Psychology: The Science of Brain, Mind and Behavior
Major Subfields A. Learning- conditioning, social learning B. Cognition -perception, attention, memory, language, thinking C. Biopsychology- anatomical, physiological, biochemical D. Social- relations among individuals, group behavior E. Developmental- genetic, environmental factors F. Personality & abnormal G. Applied- e.g., health, forensic, test & measurement, clinical, psychopharmacology
What is the nature of mind in a physical world? You see (in the sense of having a conscious experience of) a red apple in front of you. Mary, a neuroscientist, scans the relevant visual areas in your brain, at the same time. But Mary observes nothing that even resembles what you see. These qualities of your experience (so-called qualia) cannot be found anywhere in your brain.
Lecture 1: Historical Influences Descartes - Dualism, Cartesian interactionism (Pineal gland) Hobbes - Materialism (monism) -> ‘brain’ Locke – Empiricism, tabula rasa vs Kant – Rationalism, nativism Darwin - Evolution -> continuity of species James - Functionalism (Darwinism, functions, adaptations) Wundt – Leipzig (1879) Structuralism (introspection) Wertheimer - (Nativism) ‘Gestalt’ = greater than sum of parts, organizing/grouping priciples (see Perception outline); emergent Pavlov - Conditioning Watson, Skinner - Behaviorism, environment, ‘Reward/Punishment’ Lorenz, Tinbergen - Ethology, evolutionary, ‘naturalistic setting’ Freud - unconscious; repression; psychoanalysis Maslow, Rogers - ‘3rd Force’, Humanistic, existential (“meaning”), self-actualization, personal authenticity ( Zeitgeist ) A. Cognitive psychology – mind, supervenience/experimental, AI B. Behavioral neuroscience - brain (dualism vs. materialism; identity- theory,“explanatory gap”), experimental (behavioral), evolutionary.