The Fringe Lipped Bat by Zach
Habitat They live in caves and hollow trees. They live in Mexico, Ecuador, South American jungle and Brazil.
Physical Description My bat weighs 15 to 32 grams. They are dull brown, reddish brown, cinnamon brown. His size is 60-70 mm which is very tiny. He also has small whiskers –warts and stunned lips and chin. It also has a long life to 20 years.
Babies They have one pup every year. They are pregnant for four months. They are born in May, July, or June.
Enemies Their enemies are cannibal bats, polluting humans and poisonous frogs
Diet Their diets are frogs and while my bat is eating a frog it coughs. They also eat insects, rats, mice, lizards, and chomp on fruit.
Interesting Facts The fringe lipped can tell which frogs are poisons because the echolocation tells it. It has a pointy nose with skin coming out of it