The ADMIRe Project and Institutional Research Data Management Tom Parsons, Project Manager, Research Data Management Laurian Williamson, Service Developer, Research Data Management ADMIRe
Research data policies Review of: Funding policies UoN RDM policy (draft) Research conduct & ethics policy EPSRC roadmap Any other policy that lists data e.g. data protection policy, data security policy (draft) Staff/student policies e.g. PhD signup terms
Retention of data: Funding – 10+ years UoN RDM policy – 10+ years Research ethics policy – 7 years EPSRC roadmap – 10+ years Others – N/A
Commitments from policies: Ownership of data on the PI/School from the research conduct policy Ownership of data at University level from RDM policy UoN policy implies a fully supported service that is mandated at a University level Research conduct policy mandates school led support
Commitments from policies: Sharing data: RDM policy (UoN repository), Research Conduct (subject repositories), funding policies (mixture) Infrastructure promised: “The UoN Private Cloud for Research Data will provide appropriate retention and access controls to meet these requirements.” (EPSRC) “The University will provide mechanisms and services for storage, backup, registration, deposit, retention and preservation of research data assets in support of current and future access, during and after completion of research projects.” (UoN RDM Policy)
In reality… 92% of researchers have not had RDM training from their School 14% have shared data, 42% not sure Challenges: When to release the RDM policy What policies need to be harmonised? Institution/ School level? Cost implications of these policies (2300 projects) Authoritative – Research Conduct Policy Should there be a separate RDM policy?
Questions, reflections and comments?