Piercings By : Lia Chavez
History Behind Piercings There is ancient history behind every piercing that is popular today. They all have a meaning, rather than just being a face/body accessory.
Reasons For Piercings The original reason for piercings, to summarize briefly, was a sign of beauty. For example, a septum piercing was mostly meant for a sign of being a warrior.
Piercing Prohibitions and Taboos Piercings have grown more widespread, and it is also controversial, particularly in youth. In 2004, a Henry County, Georgia student got suspended for sporting eyebrow, nose, labret, and tongue piercing in school.
World Records There has only been 3 world records held for most piercings, that are currently known of. The three people that hold these records are Elaine Davidson, Luis Antonio Aguero, and Brent Moffat.
Body Piercing Risks There are may risks when it comes to body piercings. Just three examples would be hepatitis, allergic reactions, (most specifically to nickel), and infection. So, if you’re looking to get a piercing, make sure it’s approved and professional, and you don’t have allergies.