Submission November 2011 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates RR-TAG Opening Report Report of the September 2011 interim meeting Work planned for the November meeting Slide 1
Submission November 2011 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates Report of September Interim Meeting Reviewed and, working with , , and , developed and approved a response to the Industry Canada consultation titled: –Consultation on a Policy and Technical Framework for the use of Non-Broadcasting Applications in the Television Broadcasting Bands Below 698 MHz The response was submitted for an EC ballot and approved 13/0/1 It was submitted to Industry Canada on November 4 th Slide 2
Submission November 2011 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates Work Planned for the November Meeting Review a recently approved Question ITU-R 236/1 that potentially may identify spectrum globally available for Smart Grid wireless applications –The question is available on the RR-TAG Mentor web site as Review and develop a response to a proposed change to the FCC’s rules that could adversely impact 802 technologies operating under Part 15 rules Slide 3
Submission November 2011 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates Active participation is encouraged! needs consistent participation from all wireless WGs Our charter is to provide balanced representation of the interests of all of the wireless WGs before the FCC, other regulatory bodies and the ITU-R Other members of wireless WGs who can attend as their primary group, or at least substantially, are also encouraged to participate Remember … attendance in meetings counts towards maintaining your voting rights in your “home WG” Slide 4