® BayTech The Power to Control Global Power Management
BayTech Global Power Management GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s Notification of Alerts via Graphically Displays Power Environments per RPC Provides Graphical Reporting for Any Segment or Organization Node. Exposes an Enterprise Security Model for Access to Power Control
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Global Power Management can detect BayTech SNMP devices on local subnets or can assign IP addresses that allow for the discovery of remote BayTech SNMP devices. Once discovered, a status screen will display the controllers and associated RPC’s with their receptacles. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Automatic Discovery of BayTech SNMP Devices Discover controllers on the same subnet, or enter the IPs of remote controllers.
Status Screen for Discovered BayTech Controllers The status screen provides a snap shot of all BayTech power solutions. Controllers, RPC’s and Outlets are displayed. On/ Off/ Reboot and status functions are supported by a simple “right click” of the mouse.
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations One of the powerful features of GPM is the ability to group equipment in multiple configurations. Whether you need to view a data center server cabinet by location or view all Unix servers together, GPM lets you customize groups to fit your requirements. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Logical Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Tree Views show logical or functional views of data centers. Equipment can be grouped in multiple configurations.
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Through an easy to use “drag and drop” interface, you can assign device names (servers) for single or multiple receptacles. These receptacles can be assigned from any active controller in the Power Management Network. A single device name can support any number of receptacles. If you want to turn on or off a group of devices during critical power outages, you can simply do this with the click of a button. Power sequence can be assigned to devices with multiple receptacles. This is useful for bringing up device power supplies in a desired sequence. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Support redundant power sources and assign multiple receptacles to any device. Simply drag discovered receptacles from outlet list to device name.
Power Sequence Any Supply on Any Device GPM allows you to sequence power supplies in any order. Delays can be set between operations.
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Simply “right click” on any device name with an assigned receptacle and you can turn on/off or reboot that device. The option to remove or change the name of this device is provided at this point. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Simply “right click” on defined equipment and you have the option(s) to turn on/off or reboot the equipment.
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s GPM maintains a list of all alerts received from RPC devices that are being monitored. Clicking an alert will trigger the GPM’s tree view and allow the user to drill down to the specific devices causing the alert. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s The “Alerts” view displays all SNMP traps received for all controllers monitored by GPM. Selecting the alert automatically navigates the user to the physical location within the organization.
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s Notification of Alerts via GPM allows a user to monitor and to receive alarms based on the BayTech SNMP MIB. s and associated messages can be sent to individuals or groups. The GPM configuration provides a means to pick and to choose which alerts will be flagged for notification. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Environmental Alarm Thresholds Set per RPC Current, voltage and temperature thresholds can be set for every circuit in your in your data center. Based on thresholds and trap settings, NOC personnel can be notified via when circuits reach capacity.
Customized Alerts are Based on Preset Conditions
To: Subject: Global Power Management Alert !!! -- Please Review Immediately *--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--* Baytech Power Management Message: Subject:Outlet(s) turned OFF Sent Date/Time: Controller Name:NORLINX CONTROLLER IN CABINET 1 Controller Ip: Power Strip Name:BT RPC Location:Raleigh Data Center Outlet(s) Name:(1) - alexnorth (2) – Server 1 (3) - Server 2 (4) - Outlet 3 (5) - Outlet 4 (6) - Outlet 5 (7) - Outlet 6 (8) - Outlet 7 (9) – Outlet 8 (10) – Outlet 9 (11) – Outlet 10 (12) - Outlet 11 (13) - Outlet 12 (14) - Outlet 13 (15) - Outlet 14 (16) - Outlet 15 *--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--**--ALERT--* Alerts Sent to Single or Multiple Recipients
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s Notification of Alerts via Graphically Displays Power Environments per RPC GPM graphically displays the circuit power environment. Prior to adding devices, NOC managers can easily check the capacity of a circuit. This enables them to make informed decisions as to whether or not more equipment should be added. GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers
Graphically Displays Power Environments Per RPC The power environment is displayed through graphical and textual displays.
Global Power Management GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s Notification of Alerts via Graphically Displays Power Environments per RPC Provides Graphical Reporting for Any Segment or Organization Node Exposes an Enterprise Security Model for Access to Power Control
View a power utilization in any segment of the data center by simply clicking the segment. For example, clicking on IBM Cabinet1 would yield combined power utilization for that cabinet. This could be extended to the entire Raleigh segment, again by simply clicking on Raleigh. Power Utilization
Graph power, voltage, current, max current and temperature over a specified time interval. The detection of these power and temperature trends within any segment of the datacenter or organization allows for simplified analysis and forecasting. Power Utilization over Time
Exposes Enterprise Security and Control Access WinNT/2000 Login WinNT/2000 Domains expose the power infrastructure. Administrators can drag users or groups to any level within the organizational structure. Users and groups can be assigned specific operations.
Global Power Management Discovers BayTech Devices on Existing Subnets Builds Logical and Functional Views of RPC’s in Remote Locations Supports Equipment with Single or Redundant Power Supplies Provides Easy “Click Through” Control of RPC’s Anywhere Displays Alerts for Grouped or Individual RPC’s Notification of Alerts via Graphically Displays Power Environments per RPC Provides Graphical Reporting for Any Segment or Organization Node Exposes an Enterprise Security Model for Access to Power Control GPM Software for BayTech Remote Power Controllers