Ready Steady Conflict Aim: To understand the idea of conflict. Give examples of tension added to build suspense. Starter – key word definition – in your group, come up with a clear definition of what conflict means in a film. The Ant has a Bad Day – Satellite Stories Summary Exercise Peer Assessment
Satellite Stories Imagine an everyday routine endeavour. Introduce interruptions to the day. Does the main character create the stress? the problem come from unforseen ….. ?
Blue Ant goes on his morning walk to the anthill on the other side of the parking lot. As soon as he sets out there is a solar eclipse. Without the sun he loses his sense of direction. The sun comes out again and the ant is confronted by Red Ant. Red Ant says, “If you come to my anthill, you can meet the queen”. Blue Ant trusts his instincts and continues towards his anthill, only to be chased down by a six year old boy carrying a magnifying glass. In the rush to avoid the maniacal boy Blue Ant stumbles on to a melting lolly.
Q 2 The general racial divide becomes personalised: Julius and Gerry; Blue and Alan etc. Ray remains the intransigent white team member. Ronnie v Petey, Gerry (is he gay?) – low key Sheryl v Nicky – minimal Mrs Bertier and Emma v Gerry over his friendship with Julius – peripheral Yoast is forced to choose between his white supporters and Boone and the team.
Q3 The team becomes one – Ray is cut. Gerry and Julius become great friends. Boone and Yoast become friends, as do Nicky and Sheryl. Yoast chooses the team over his supporters. Ronnie's sexuality becomes a non-issue The community accepts the winning team - shown by the reaction of Boone's initially hostile neighbours and by the police officer stopping to congratulate Julius. Mrs Bertier accepts Julius as Gerry's friend. Emma shakes Julius's hand; Mrs B holds Julius's hand at the funeral.
Q 6 Much of it is seen through the eyes of Sheryl Yoast, a nine year old in 1971, who provides the framing voice over, and whose reactions often seem to be like a Greek Chorus. Her POV is often used to give the audience a point of identification, and to help keep the story focused. Other than that, it is 'eye of God'. We see things from the point of view of both coaches, and of several of the players.
Conflict External Conflict Pick three of conflicts. Write down how the viewer expects them to be resolved Internal Conflict
Boone doesn’t accuse Yoast of anything but he wonders Yoast accuses Boone of being more concerned with himself. Why?
Coaches Tough Choices Dilemma A REALLY difficult choice, where every result has a bad consequence Viewing – keep an eye out for Coach Yoast’s dilemmas Written response – were I faced with the following dliemma, I would likely …
Q 8 One football season. The pre-season camp lasts two weeks (mentioned in dialogue) and starts August 15. School starts on September 3; the season presumably is over by about March or April. The bookend sections are 10 years later.