The Trojan War
Map of Modern Troy
The Story of Zeus According to Greek mythology, Zeus had become king of the gods by overthrowing his father Cronus. Zeus wasn’t faithful to his wife, Hera, and ended up having a lot of children.
The Golden Apple Myth has it that the three Goddesses of Olympia fought over a famous golden apple with the following inscription,Tēi Kallistēi, To the fairest. The apple was claimed by Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Eventually, Zeus ordered Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris, a prince of Troy, who would determine which of the goddesses was most worthy of the apple.
Paris’ Fatal Decision and the Downfall of Troy The goddesses tried to bribe Paris into making his decision. Athena offered Paris wisdom, skill in battle, and the abilities of the greatest warriors. Hera offered him political power and control of all of Asia. Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite,
Paris and Helen of Troy On a diplomatic mission to Sparta, Paris fell in love with Helen. Menelaus had to leave for Crete, to bury his uncle Crateus. Paris with Aphrodite's help, kidnapped Helen, and sailed to Troy carrying off part of Menelaus' treasure.
The Beginnings of War The Trojan War was waged, according to legend, against the city of Troy in Asia Minor , by the armies of the Achaeans after Paris of Troy stole Helen from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta.
After Ten Years of War The Greeks won many important battles. The Trojan hero Hector fell, as did several of the Tojan’s neighboring allies. However, the Greeks could not break down the walls of Troy. Patroclus was killed and, Achilles was felled by Paris.
Helenus Ideas to Win Against Troy Pyrrhus, Achilles' son, fought in the war. The bow and arrows of Hercules were used by the Greeks against the Trojans. The remains of Pelops, the famous Eleian hero, were brought to Troy. The Palladium, a statue of Athena, was stolen from Troy These were all done some way or another.
The Trojan Horse Still seeking to gain entrance into Troy, clever Odysseus, ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its insides were to be hollow so that soldiers could hide within it. Trojans celebrated what they thought was their victory, and dragged the wooden horse into Troy. After most of Troy was asleep or in a drunken state, Sinon let the Greek warriors out from the horse, and slaughtered the Trojans.