Microsoft Citizen Service Platform Demonstration – Windows Live Agent
Overview In this demonstration you will see an example of how the Citizen Service Platform can integrate Windows Live functionality with the Citizen and Civil Servant portals.
The Citizen David Martos
I start with Windows Live Messenger interface, where I find the e-agent I added from the city website. I click on the contact (e- agent) to begin the dialogue
I start the dialogue with “Hello”, he then answers with a menu. I choose the 1st menu (City TV)
When I choose to see the content of the 2 nd menu (Policemen), the bot answers with a URL
When I click on this URL, I’m redirected to the right webpage on the City TV platform
At any time I can come back to the main menu by typing “menu”
Navigating in another menu
This menu gives me a list of links I can click on. A click on the first link redirects me to the right page on the city website
After clicking, this page opened (right page on the city website)
This links shows the e-agent also can propose files (.pdf file in this example)
Here is the.pdf file that is opened after clicking on the link
The Civil Servant Sylvia Rems
I start with the Contoso City Council homepage, in the administration part (after login)
From here on, I can fully manage the content (logo, menus) of the city e-agent
I can Add menus, or select (enter) a menu to manage its content
For every menu, I can enable or disable the content, and in the ‘Data’ field, I can enter all information I want : url or.pdf links, text information,...
Template Notes The CSP Template you have seen in this demonstration is based on a solution from Microsoft Partner Wygwam of Mouscron, Belgium. For more information : or send a mail to
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