NORTH ROYALTON MIDDLE SCHOOL “We inspire and empower learners”
NRMS Incoming 5 th Grade Parent Orientation
Welcome NRMS Administration: Jeffrey Cicerchi, Principal David Guciardo – grade 8, Assistant Principal Tricia Pozsgai – grade 6, Assistant Principal Lesley Smith – grades 5 & 7, Administrative Intern
This We Believe Keys to Educating Young Adolescents
Essential Attributes – an educator for young adolescents must be: Developmentally Responsive Challenging Empowering Equitable
16 Characteristics Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (5) Leadership and Organization (5) Culture and Community (6)
Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)
The BEAR WAY: - Do what’s right - Do the best you can - Treat others as you would like to be treated Class/Team Economy
The Facility
The Facility: This school was built to meet not just the academic needs of our students, but also the physical, social, and emotional needs too!
The Facility cont’d: 5th graders are all on the same floor 5th and 6th grade are housed on one side of the school 4 teams in 5th grade 5th graders eat lunch as a group
Field Trip
The Valley Vista Nature Center 2 Days (1 fall/1 winter) Makes accessible to all students Reduced costs Interdisciplinary Same academic benefits as extended field trip (working with high school AP Physics class) Logistically works within the state mandated PARCC/AIR tests
School-Home Communication
Communication District and Building Website Constant Contact Alert Now Progress Book Facebook Twitter
Breakfast Students will be released off the busses at approximately 7:30 to purchase and eat breakfast both in the cafeteria or through our Grab-n-Go process (starting the second week of school)
Lunch 10:26 AM My School Bucks Approximately 20 minute recess
Where Everyone Belongs (WEB)
WEB Orientation - Thursday, August 13, 2015 Gold Gym, 8:00 AM Pick-up 12:30 PM - 5 th grade parent meeting Purple Gym, 8:00 AM
WEB Orientation - Makes the 1 st impression of middle school fun - Encourages participation - Builds excitement - Sets a positive tone for the school year.
WEB Leaders Show the 5 th graders that people care about them and their success Help 5 th graders make connections with their WEB Leaders and other 5 th graders Teach the 5 th graders what they need to know to be successful in middle school
Most Common Fears Regarding MS Transition – 5 L’s - Late, Lunch, Locker/Lock, Lost, and Left out - Advanced preparation is very helpful in combating these fears. * Develop a plan ahead of time with your child regarding each of these areas.
- WEB/Parent Meeting/Packet Pick-up, Thursday, August 13, th Grade Open House, Thursday, August 20, 2015 (tentatively) - 6:30 – 8:00 PM - 6:00 pm – students in Gifted Dates to Remember - WEB/Parent Meeting/Packet Pick-up, Thursday, August 13, th Grade Open House, Thursday, August 20, 2015 (tentatively) - 6:30 – 8:00 PM - 6:00 pm – students in Gifted
We look forward to a great school year with your child. Please do not hesitate to stop in over the summer, call, and/or with any questions or concerns.