Activity 6.1a – Material Properties Display Metal - Gold Mr. Heck
Section 1 - Categories of Materials 1.Organics 2. Metals and Alloys 3. Polymers 4. Ceramics 5. Composites
Category - Organic Organic means coming from a living source Examples include: LEATHER (Car Upholstery) BONE (Knife Handle) ELMER’S GLUE (Milk Protein Glue)
Category – Metal/Alloy Description: Metal \Met"al\ (? or ?; 277), noun [F. m['e]tal, L. metallum metal, mine, Gr. ? mine; cf. Gr. ? to search after. Cf. {Mettle}, {Medal}.] 1. (Chem.) An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc. MetalMetalnountalmetallummetalmine GrminecfGrsearchafterCfMettleMedalChemelementarysubstancesodiumcalciumcopper whoseoxidehydroxidehasbasicratheracidproperties contrastedwithnonmetalsmetalloidsNosharplinecanbe drawnbetweenmetalsnonmetalscertainelements partakebothacidbasicqualitieschromiummanganese bismuthetc BRONZE ALLOY (Copper and Tin) STEEL ALLOY (Iron and Carbon) COPPER
Category - Polymers Description: Examples:
Category - Ceramic Description: Examples:
Category - Composite Description: Examples:
MATRICS InsulatorFlammableFlexibleInertTransparent Wood Copper Glass Brick Paper
Part 2 – Properties of a single material - Gold What makes gold unique? –It rare, and valuable –Gold resists corrosion –It is a good conductor of electricity Gold computer parts Gold Jewelry Gold Dental Work
Physical Properties of Gold Natural Gold Crystal
Material Life Cycle - Gold Gold Ore Mined Ore is smelted into Gold ingots Gold ingots are formed into “blanks” (wire, chain, sheets) Consumer products are made from gold blanks Product made from Gold are services (Jeweler, Dentist…) “Useless” Gold items melted down For scrap
Section 3 – Answer the 2 Questions