Define what you mean by policy in general Take note of views of: – functionalism: policy as integrative – liberal pluralism policy as politically contested – marxism policy as power of the dominant – radical democracy, policy as empowering
What defines good policy in general: 1.It addresses all qtns. For eg: – Why the policy? What is it about? – Who makes it, for whom? – Where is it made, where does it apply? – How is it made, how is it applied? Good policy shd be comprehensive. 2.It can achieve its objectives.
Good policy ten-point checklist
Ingredients of good policy It should be relevant and clear: – Why this policy, what’s the purpose? (eg. predictability, enabling, empowering) – Whose problem/possibility is addressed? Thus: Dont’s and do’s. –Who the policy is for? Whose interests? –Who should implement it. – Clear objectives are spelled out.
Checklist: Cover all points 1.Relevance, purpose, interests, objectives. 2.Definition of what it covers. 3.Who will make the policy, who adopt it? 4.List of inputs: external, values, research, consultation 5.What philosophy of intervention?
Checklist: Cover all points 6.Practical implications (budget, time) 7.Assessment – what indicators are there? How gauge degrees of success or failure? 8.Who will communicate the policy? 9.Who will monitor and assess? 10.Who will action change?
And on to strategy Now you have a draft policy. Still needed is a concrete strategy that deals with where to from here: – how should it be a living thing? – who should take it further? – how should this happen? – over what time frame? – with what performance indicators for the strategy? – what rewards for reaching milestones and making progress?
Conclusion Policy is a management aid, A protective system, An empowering environment, A force for progress.
Thank you Understand policy … and be a super-editor/manager