How does this rock and mineral stuff relate to ?
Minecraft Rock Cycle
What is Minecraft? Minecraft is a game where you dig (mine) and build (craft) different kinds of 3D blocks in a huge world. In this world you gather materials and make tools. There is rain and sometimes lightning storms. There are animals that you can tame, farm, or use for food. Depending on which mode you’re playing in, you might have to fight for your survival against hunger, danger, and bad guys.
Minerals vs. Rocks A mineral is an inorganic (not made from living stuff) compound that occurs naturally in earth. They are mined because of how valuable they are worldwide. Examples: copper, diamond, silver, gold A rock is a mixture of minerals and organic (things that used to live) substances. Examples: sandstone, quartz, granite,
What kind of rocks are in Minecraft? There are a bunch of different rocks in the game! Here are a few we talked about: Granite (The Half Dome is made out of this) This rock is an IGNEOUS ROCK. Sandstone (The Grand Canyon is made out of this) This rock is a SEDIMENTARY ROCK.
What kinds of rocks are in Minecraft? continued… Obsidian -used mostly for Nether Portal in MC Where does this rock come from, again? This rock is an IGNEOUS ROCK. Why? Quartz -used only for decoration in MC. This rock is a METAMORPHIC ROCK.
What kinds of minerals are in Minecraft? Diamond - one of the most valuable minerals in the game. Why is it so valuable? Iron- one of the most common minerals that can be used to make tools and armor. I thought this stuff is in food?
What kinds of minerals are in Minecraft? Continued… Gold - gold is very rare in MC…here is a short informative video about Gold!
If you are bored… Here a bunch of really cool videos about some rocks and minerals in Minecraft: crLGU (Granite) crLGU iTEY4 (Sandstone) iTEY4 pMBg (Obsidian) pMBg _giM (Diamond) _giM