A World of Communities Social Studies Click to advance
Directions Any time you come to red writing, hover or roll the mouse over the writing to: give you new directions take you to a new screen define a vocabulary word Try it here to go to the next slide
Let’s imagine your on a jet plane taking a trip around the world. It would take you about two days to circle the earth. next
You might see… Plains Mountains Deserts Water ** Hint** When your finished viewing all 4 areas, click here to continue to the quiz!
Plains most of the world’s population, more than 6 billion people, live here usually have fertile soil and good water suppliesfertile excellent for farming back
Mountains fewer people live in mountainous areas too hard to grow food poor soil and travel is hard back
Deserts dry arid soilarid 1/3 of the Earth’s surface high daytime, low nighttime temperatures back
Water 71% of Earth’s surface is water most water is in the ocean comes in 3 forms; solid, liquid, gas back
Quiz Time! 1.Most of the world’s population lives in the desert. TRUEFALSE
Plains most of the world’s population, more than 6 billion people, live here BACK
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Question 2 1.It would take you about two days to circle the Earth. TRUE FALSE
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Let’s imagine your on a jet plane taking a trip around the world. It would take you about two days to circle the earth. BACK
Question 3 Most water on earth is salt water in the ocean. TRUE FALSE
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Water 71% of Earth’s surface is water most water is in the ocean comes in 3 forms; solid, liquid, gas back
Question 4 It’s very hot both day and night in the desert. TRUE FALSE
Deserts dry arid soilarid 1/3 of the Earth’s surface high daytime, low nighttime temperatures back
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Question 5 It’s very hard to grow food in mountainous areas. TRUE FALSE
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Mountains fewer people live in mountainous areas too hard to grow food poor soil and travel is hard back
Great Job! You are finished! Answer the questions and if you have time try the bonus questions. See Mr. Elliott for a Landform Scavenger Hunt Worksheet to fill in. Click on the link below and follow the directions. Back to class webpage