LO: to locate features in an atlas, transferring this onto own maps.
What are physical features? Draw a mind map for physical features of the Earth. Watch the clip. During it jot down all the examples of physical features on the Earth mentioned. Now add any other features you can think of. You should aim for 10!
World Physical What physical features can we spot on this map?
Task... Using the atlas find the following deserts: AtacamaMojaveSaharaKalahari NamibGobiArabianAustralian TharTurkestan Using the Atlas find the following rivers: MissouriMississippiAmazonCongoNile DanubeVolgaYangstzeGangesLena Label them all on your map and use a suitable key Desert River
World Rivers
World Deserts
In pairs Think of 5 large physical features in the world. (For example Niagra Falls) Find these in the Atlas and add them to your maps. Add them to your key. Expect to share these features and locations with the rest of the class.
2: Landmark homework Pick one landmark to research. It can be physical or human. Research about it and find out what makes it so fantastic/memorable. Relevant labelled images are a good idea.
Round the world version 2 Time to stand up again I am going to give you a letter, I want a type of physical feature or an example of one (for example R could be River OR Rhine) If you can’t think of one sit down. Let’s see who is the Geography brain today