TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Textbook Revision Process: - Why? - By Whom? - What Subject Areas?
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina is comprised of two entities: Republika Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina F BiH is comprised of ten Cantons Brçko District as an autonomous unit Constituent peoples
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Jurisdiction for educational matters: - RS highly centralized - FBIH decentralized - Cantons responsible for education - Brçko District autonomous
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH The role of the international community The role of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Common Core Curriculum CIVITAS Textbook Production Textbooks from Other Countries
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH The last process March – July 2003 Process initiated by the Entity Ministries of Education Process facilitated by the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina 300 primary and high school textbooks were revised Composition of the Commission
The main aim of the textbook revision process was to: Remove inappropriate terminology from textbooks An interim measure in ensuring that the education is free from political, religious, cultural and other bias and discrimination which respects the rights of all children.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH The process included the so-called national group of subjects: - mother tongue and literature - history - geography - nature and science - religious instruction
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Harmonized Issues in History : Presentation of historical maps Terms such as ‘slaughtered’, ‘brutal rule/authority’ have been removed In addition to sufferings of one people, sufferings of two other peoples are mentioned as well.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Unharmonized Issues in History: Issues of terminology Ethnic background and names of significant people(s) in the history textbooks Uneven representation of other constituent people(s)
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Unharmonized Issues in History : One-sided representation of historical events from perspective of only one constituent people (presented in either a victorious role or as the victims)
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Unharmonized Issues in History: Biased representation of historical content, particularly the recent war (issues such as describing population migrations, or the suffering of people)
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Main Conclusions in Geography : Examples given in the textbooks should come from within Bosnia and Herzegovina The terms: “aggression”, “inter-entity” or “civil war” should be replaced and the term to be used is “war” only
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Main Conclusions in Geography: The naming of towns Maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina should have inter-entity boundary line Formulations defining area of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the area of the former Yugoslavia should be removed.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Next Steps: The establishment of the Independent Commission on Textbook Writing with the aim to develop guidelines for textbook authors.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Next Steps: Students have a basic understanding of the history and geography of all three constituent people and national minorities.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Next Steps: The three constituent peoples and national minorities are presented in a balanced manner.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Next Steps: Contested interpretations of proscribed curriculum content are addressed in a manner appropriate to all three constituent peoples and national minorities.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Next Steps: Neighboring countries are presented in a balanced manner.
TEXTBOOK REVISION IN BIH Next Steps: Interactive teaching and comparative methodological approaches are applied in textbook writing.