General Signup 43 March 12-April 13
Expiring on September US…..6.5 million acres CO ,000 acres
Current Statistics National CRP Enrollment………29.6 million acres Colorado CRP Enrollment……2.2 million acres (5 th largest state in CRP acres)
Current Statistics National CRP Contracts…………………..735,000 Colorado CRP Contracts…………………….12, 413 (on 6,081 farms)
Current Statistics National Payment/Acre……………………$57.31 Colorado Payment/Acre…………………..$33.50
Colorado’s FY2011 CRP payments Annual rental……. $65.6 Million Cost share……………. $433,232 Incentive…………… $1.9million Total…………………… $68 million
Colorado has 7 of the top 25 Counties in CRP acreage nationally with Baca County leading the nation.
CRP Acres #1) Baca County (274,281 acres) #4) Weld County (224,344 acres) #6) Washington County. (201,060 acres) #8) Kit Carson County. (198,744 acres) #10) Kiowa County (192,222 acres) #16) Prowers County. (163,354 acres) #25) Lincoln County (145,248acres
Colorado CRP Acres by Conservation Practice (CP) CP1, introduced grasses…….37,000 acres CP2, native grasses………...635,000 acres CP4D, wildlife habitat……..513,000 acres (#1 in the nation) CP10, existing grass………..964,819 acres
Top Ten States in CRP Acreage State Acres 1) TEXAS 3,454,151 2) MONTANA 2,857,954 3) KANSAS 2,735,014 4) NORTH DAKOTA 2,646,747 5) COLORADO 2,226,572 6) IOWA 1,663,570 7) MINNESOTA 1,633,911 8) WASHINGTON 1,458,495 9) MISSOURI 1,361,105 10) SOUTH DAKOTA 1,159,971
Cropland Limit Waivers Nine Counties in the US have a waiver to exceed 25% of the county’s cropland acres to be enrolled in CRP Colorado has seven of the nine.
Cropland Limit Waivers Baca…………..35% Bent…………..30% Crowley………35% Kiowa………...30% Las Animas….29% Prowers………30% Pueblo…………35%
SAFE State Acres For wildlife Enhancement SAFE proposals address state and regional high-priority wildlife objectives. SAFE practices provide the flexibility to meet the specific needs of high-value wildlife species in a participating state or region
Lesser Prairie Chicken SAFE
21, 500 acres allocated 12,043 acres enrolled
Plains Sharp-tailed Grouse SAFE
6,475 acres allocated 1,668 acres enrolled
Short-Grass Prairie Buffer SAFE
11,475 acres allocated 1,475 acres enrolled
Western Slope Grouse SAFE
12,600 acres allocated 6,200 acres enrolled