3 April 2012 Allie Scholan Megan Condon Mic Bugosh Aaron Cholewa NFCLPW MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES.


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Presentation transcript:

3 April 2012 Allie Scholan Megan Condon Mic Bugosh Aaron Cholewa NFCLPW MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES

Alternative 1: Ecologically Focused Management Synopsis: Focus on ecological health of watershed by limiting development and preserving areas of high biodiversity and fire danger Development: Minimization of development RLUP scenario Encourage conservation easements Exclude areas of: Potential wolf habitat Preble’s habitat High biodiversity High fire danger Photo courtesy of The Nature Conservancy

Alternative 1: Ecologically Focused Management Fire: Limit development RLUP buildout Support restoration Restore historic fire regimes Educate through extension services Water: No expansions No new projects Water conservation education Incentive program

Alternative 1: Ecologically Focused Management Wildlife: Development limitations Reduce fragmentation Viable wolf habitat Picture courtesy of High Country News website

Alternative 2: Integrated Ecosystem Management Synopsis: Meld of responsible environmental practices and economic pragmatism. Maintain biodiversity while understanding need of water development and community expansion Development: Responsible development RLUP scenario Encourage conservation easements Exclude areas of: Preble’s habitat High biodiversity Photo courtesy of govacation.com

Alternative 2: Integrated Ecosystem Management Fire: Minimal restoration RLUP scenario Educate through extension services Water: Expansion of Halligan and Seaman Reservoirs Conservation education Incentive program Wildlife: Reduce habitat fragmentation Development limitations

Alternative 3: Development Focused Management Synopsis: focus on community and water storage development for a maximum fiscal return Development: Maximum development Current zoning No development limitations Discourage easements Suggested zoning change from Open (O) to Estate (E) 1 house for every 2.5 acres

Alternative 3: Development Focused Management Fire: Increase municipal fire resources Revise WUI and CPZ Fire suppression policy Education through extension services Water: Expansion of Halligan and Seaman Reservoirs Support new water projects NISP Wildlife: Minimum standards as estb. by EIS or ESA

Management Alternative Comparisons

Management Comparisons

Ecologically Focused Management Alternative Intergrated Ecosystem Management Alternative Developmnt Focused Management Alternative Number of Acres Available for Development75,014109,367109,552 New Acres of Easments Under Alternative34,53866,3280 Aditional Acres Protected from Future Development69,15266,5610 Additional Number of Houses Under Alternative4,1408,75212,217 Additional Miles of Road991621,127 Estimated Cost to County$464,427 $435,884 $1,336,534 Estimated Value to Colorado Residents for Ecosystem Services $105,185,310$201,998,9700 Management Comparisons

Rating Scale for Determining Which Alternative to Pursue Number of Acres Available for Development355 Max Number of Houses Under Alternative156 Reduced Fire Risk Additional Miles of Roads530 Connectivity of landscape541 Additional Acres Protected from Future Development650 Cost to County Value of Ecosystem Services Total27318 Based on a 7 point scale 0-6 0= negative change 6= positive change Highest total best solution Management Comparisons

Choosing Alternative #2 Integrated Ecosystem Management Alternative

Preferred Management Alternative: 2 Integrated Ecosystem Management