Vienna's Sustainable Energy Policy Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Edgar Hauer City of Vienna
Energy-Concept Climate protection program (KLiP) Communal energy efficiency program (SEP) Sustainable Energy Community
Energy Concept Protection of environment and resources Rational und economical handling of energy Secure, convenient and demand controlled supply Social compatibility and satisfied costumers Economy and competitiveness
Self-obligation to reduce CO –Emissions district heat development increased efficiency of power stations thermal insulation in buildings development of public transport. Climate Protection Program (KLiP) 2
Success of KLiP Avoidance of a total of two million tons of CO 2 emissions annually Between 1990 and 2002 annual CO 2 emissions in Vienna were reduced by 3 % to approximately 6.3 million tons equivalent of 4 tons of CO 2 per capita.
Energy efficiency program (SEP) Improvement of energy efficieny in Vienna Reduction of climate gases Reduction of dependence on imports Contribution to security of supply Contribution to awareness raising of relevant persons Public awareness raising for energy saving
SEP-References to District Heating Further development of district heating Greening of district heating District cooling
District Heating in Vienna Share 2005 Peak load heat plants 2,5% CHP 66,1% Industrial CHP 7,6% Waste utilisation 23,8%
Developments in DH Biomass plant (37 MW th ) Third waste incineration plant (54 MW th ) Geothermal plant for regional development area (15 MW th ) CHP repowering Simmering ½ (170 MW th )
DH Market Today Market share 35% GWh Heat sold 2020 expected market share > 50% GWh heat sold Growth based mainly on renewables and waste heat!
Efficiency Measures in DH Additional mesh in the network MW useable Heat storage facility for district heating MW usable
Low CO 2 Emissions Calculation from federal environmental agency Includes also CO 2 from waste incineration Value without waste ~ 95 kg/MWh used energy
Expected Results Reduction of ~ 2,7 million MWh fossil fuels Saves about € 53 millions energy import 38% reduction of CO 2 emissions for domestic use 11% reduction of CO 2 emissions for waste treatment GWh electricity produced in CHP-mode ~ 1/3 of Austrian thermal electricity production + 100% waste recycling in Vienna (energetic and material) + 100% of industrial waste heat in the area is used
Contact Details Dr. Edgar Hauer MA 27- EU-Strategy and Economic Development Schlesingerpl Wien T: F: E: