First, we are going to learn how to play a guessing game. Then we are going to play the game. Finally, we are going to learn a new word or concept, and write a sentence to share with our family at home tonight.
Examples Non-examples
Examples:Non-examples: Someone says, “A woman’s place is in the kitchen” Someone tells you, “My mother enjoys cooking and baking” Your friend tells you that being a flight attendant might not be a good job for you because you don’t really like talking to people. Someone tells you (a boy) that you can’t become a nurse because that’s a “girl’s job” Ad for a car stereo system The boss at a company tells your aunt, “we don’t like to hire women because they get pregnant and have kids, so they can’t do the job properly.” Ad for a private medical clinic
Your mom and dad tell you that you can’t go outside to meet your friends until you clean your room this weekend. Your hockey coach yells, “You’re playing like a bunch of girls!” Ad for an expensive dress Ad for the Avengers movie Ad for nursing school You’re male, and you’ve been hurt and are crying, and someone tells you to “stop being a sissy, and man up!”
Discuss with your group, and come up with a definition.
What surprises you? (be honest!)