1 Joe Lutz General Mills, Inc Health and Wellness
2 Health Attributes of Oats Health Attributes of Oats Highest protein content with best essential Amino Acid profile. Linked to serum cholesterol reduction. Used to moderate the blood glucose levels of people with diabetes. Source of antioxidants with nutritional and medical implications.
Breeding/Genetics Agronomics Seed Growers Milling Elevators CONSUMER Processing Oat Value Chain Economics: Variety Registration Grain Markets Marketing
4 Reduce Cholesterol Nutritious Women’s health Performance Soy beverages Examples of General Mills Healthy Products Marketing Whole Grain Benefits Reduced Sugar Organics Opportunities
5 FDA Health Claim 21 CFR Soluble fiber from certain foods and the risk of coronary heart disease FDA Health Claim 21 CFR Soluble fiber from certain foods and the risk of coronary heart disease Diets that low in saturated fats and cholesterol and that include soluble fiber from whole oat foods may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
6 FDA Health Claim 21 CFR FDA Health Claim 21 CFR The food product shall include one or more of the defined whole oat foods and contain at least.75g of soluble fiber per reference amount. The food shall meet the nutrient requirements of a low fat food (CFR ).
7 FDA Health Claim 21 CFR Definitions FDA Health Claim 21 CFR Definitions β -glucan TDF Oat Bran >5.5% > 16% Rolled Oats > 4.0% > 10% Whole Oat Flour > 4.0% > 10%
8 FDA Health Claim 21 CFR Low fat FDA Health Claim 21 CFR Low fat The food product shall contain less than 3g or less of fat per reference amount.
9 The Ideal Cheerios Oat Crop β -glucan >5.0% TDF > 12.5% Oil < 7.5%