Please complete the following: Sign in Make a name tent with first & last name and subject you teach Mark a craft stick with your name Complete Circuit Challenge on table
Classroom Management through Engagement Lesley Merritt, Science Specialist Center for Math & Science, UA Priscilla Wetzel, Program Coor Education Renewal Zone, UA
How often do you use cooperative learning groups in your classroom? A. Daily to multiple times per week B. Several times a month C. Once a month D. Never
Charlotte Danielson’s FfT: Smart Card www.
Charlotte Danielson’s FfT: Smart Card
Why is this important?
“STRUCTURING THE CLASSROOM FOR SUCCESS” Classroom Environment/Management
The Goal of Classroom Management To develop a classroom of students who are: Responsible Motivated Highly engaged in meaningful task
Most Important Aspects 1. Relationships 2. Structure / Organization 3. Communication 4. Consistency *Class & Team Building Chips & Cubes
Team Expectations Offer help to teammates Ask teammates for help when you need it Participate and make your contributions to the team Encourage others to participate and contribute Treat others with respect Listen respectfully to team mates
SEATING CHARTS (TTYN-Talk to Your Neighbor) How important do you think seating charts are?
SEATING Arrangements Seating arrangements are a teachers best tools for controlling student behaviors. Knowing which arrangement to use when and where to place students is vital.
SEATING ARRANGEMENTS SUGGESTIONS 1.Rearrange as needed based on teaching style and student behavior. 2.Label desks so students can easily find their desk. 3.Allow at least a day to transition into new arrangement before starting group task. During transition day, students work independently. 4.Have isolation desks to move students to if they chose not to behave in the group.
SEATING CHART (Straight Rows) ROW 1 ROW 2 ROW 3 ROW 4 ROW 5 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 5E 5D 5C 5B 5A4A 4E 4D 4C 4B Use this arrangement: At the beginning of the year During testing As a short term consequence for misbehavior while in other grouping arrangements Substitutes Random Selection: Call by row (1,2,3,4,5) Call by row (A,B,C,D,E) Call by color (red, blue, yellow, green, orange) Call by individual student (2B, 5A, 4E, etc..)
Pairs (Groups of 2) 1B 1C 2C 1D 2E 1A 3C 2A 1E 2D 5D 4E 3B 3E 3A 5C 4D 5B 4B 4A 4C 5A 3D 2B Use this arrangement: After you have student behavior under control in single rows. During pairs read, group assignments, projects. Random Selection: Call by group Call by (A,B,C,D,E) Call by color (red, blue, yellow, green, orange) Call by individual student (2B, 3A, 4E, etc..) Assigning Group Rolls: Blues and Yellows – can be assigned the same task within their groups. Reds and Greens – can be assigned the same task within their groups. 5E
U-shape (Whole Group) 1A 1C 5D1D 5B 1B 2D3A 3D 5C 3C2B 1E 2A 2C 4A 3E 4E 4C 4B 5A 4D 2E3B Use this arrangement: During whole group discussions. Random Selection: Call by (A,B,C,D,E) Call by color (red, blue, yellow, green, ORANGE) Call by individual student (2B, 3A, 4E, etc..) 5E
Collaborative Groups of 4 Table 1 Table 3Table 5 Table 2 Table 4 Table 6 1A 3C 2A 4D 4C 2B 2A 4C 3B 1D 2A 1C 3A 4B 2D1D 4C 4D 2B 1A 3B 3C 3B 1D Use this arrangement: After you have student behavior under control in single rows and pairs setting. During labs, group assignments, projects. Random Selection: Call by table (1,2,3,4,5,6) Call by row (A,B,C,D) Call by color (red, blue, yellow, green) Call by individual student ( Table 5 - 2B, Table 3-2A, etc..) Assigning Table Rolls: 1 – reporters 2 – materials managers 3 – recorders 4 – time managers
A3B2B 1A2B 4A 3B4A
TIME 6-7 Instructional days are lost each year due to transition time- Spencer Kagan
Time is Vital Schedule for every aspect of the class time. Beginning activity Mini lecture Student Engagement *** 10 minutes teacher talk / minutes student interaction with material Transformation of Energy: Round Table
Electrical Energy Mechanical Energy Heat Energy Sound Energy Light Energy
All Write Round Table Turn Kagan timer on Select Equal Turns Button, then :30 seconds When ready hit Start The person (number) selected tells the group an object that uses electricity. They then explain to the group which types of energy that object produces and writes it under the corresponding circle Group members encourage but do not “give the answer” When time is up next person starts. Continue until time is called by teacher.
Structures Help the Teacher Be More PROACTIVE Bell to Bell Student Learning (Best to over plan than under plan) Bell Ringers Detailed time schedule for the class Attention getting signal Procedures for all types of conversation, movement, basic needs, and product
Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms. Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms.
Schedules / Agendas A posted timed agenda for each period will: Keep the teacher focused Keep the student focused Connect the learning Ensure time is used for instruction
Quiet Signal (verbal & physical) Hands up 3) Hand up, Stop Talking 2) Full attention on teacher 1) Signal others
Structured Routines Eliminate the time used for: Passing out papers / materials Taking up papers / materials Answering questions about pencils, restroom, errands, seating arrangements, etc… Thus, allowing more time for instruction! YEA Model rearranging desk with class
Numbered Heads Expert Group (5 minutes): Each person reads their strategy card Share with the group Group decides which strategy they want to become the “expert on.” Each group creates three similar posters to explain the strategy (no direct copying from Kagan strategy card) Teaching Group (5 minutes): New groups are formed by same number (all 1s together, etc) Each person teaches their new group their strategy
Increasing Student Engagement = Improvement in Student Behavior
Ways to Increase Student Engagement Increasing opportunities to respond Implementing thinking devices, stories, cooperative learning strategies such as TTYN, Jigsaw, and Think-Pair-Share Implementing comprehension strategies such as graphic organizers, foldables, unit maps, etc…
Mini Research: Who is running for President and what state are they from?
Gradual Release Student Math Practice Worksheet Rally Coach In pairs, alternate generating written responses or solving problems while the other coaches.
Formative Assessment
Vocabulary Tier Words Word Wall Talk a Mile a Minute (ex. electricity terms) Other Building Academic Vocabulary by Marzano
Other Formative Assessments LOL (Line of Learning) Exit Slips Foldables Sentence Stems/Frames Questioning (hardest)