Environment 1 The current work on Air Quality Indicators Best needed “ Population exposure” vs. Best available “Population weighted concentrations” Ute Luksch, Eurostat E3 MEETING OF THE WORKING PARTY ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT LUXEMBOURG, 19 SEPTEMBER 2005 National monitoring station networks and limit values Different concepts: CSI, revised and non-revised SI SIs on air quality: the year 2001 and future work
Environment 2 Ozone stations EEA Topic Report 3/2003
Environment 3 AirBase stations ETC/ACC Technical paper 2004/1 Number of stations in the EU countries for which data for components of the daughter directives were available in AirBase, 2002 ( Data: D=daily, H= hourly)
Environment 4 Limit values Directive 1999/30 (PM) and 2002/3 (Ozone) l Concentration 24-hour average PM10 concentration above 50µg/m³ 8-hour average ozone concentration above 120µg/m³ l Exceedance 35 times per calendar year for PM10 25 days per calendar year for ozone l Annual mean PM10 concentrations 2005: yearly mean above 40µg/m³ 2010: yearly mean above 20µg/m³ ‘PM10' = particulate matter which passes through a size-selective inlet with a 50 % efficiency cut- off at 10 µm aerodynamic diameter (diameter of a spherical particle having a density of 1 gm/cm 3 that has the same inertial properties in the gas as the particle of interest).
Environment 5 EEA’s CSI 004 “Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas” l Definition: Fraction of the urban population potentially exposed to ambient air concentrations of pollutants. l The urban population: Total number of people living in cities with at least one monitoring station. l EU Limit value set for protection of human health (Limit values: “concentration” & “exceedence”) l Unit: Percentage of the urban population in Europe potentially exposed to ambient air pollution Source: European Environment Agency’s Core Set of Indicators.
Environment 6 DG ENV‘s revised SIs on Air Quality l Definition: Urban background measurements of ambient air pollution in agglomerations weighted by the population in this agglomeration l Units Annual mean concentration of particulate matter (µg/m³) Sum of daily maximum 8-hour mean concentrations of ozone over 35 ppb (µg/m³ day) Source: DG ENV’s Technical fiches on proposed improvements of Structural Indicators on air quality.
Environment 7 l Non-revised: “Population exposure” for the years 1998,2000,2001in % of urban population l Revised: “Population weighted concentrations” for the years 2001, 2002,2003 in µg/m³ (PM10) and in µg/m³ day (Ozone) SIs - a break down by country
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Environment 12 “Population exposure” – best needed? l Black or white solution (100% or 0%; values between 0% and 100% are calculated as a mean over several stations). l Too sensitive to quality problems in the national monitoring station networks: more than 100 urban stations (DE, FR) vs. less than 5 (DK, IE, SE). malfunctions of a station (e.g. no measurements for some days, too high or too low values)
Environment 13 Future Work l Best available “Population weighted concentrations” Possible modifications for SUMO35: No cut off for the natural ozone background (35ppb ozone) and mean instead of a sum (unit “µg/m³” instead of “µg/m³ day”) Quality Assessment for the revised SIs (accuracy, comparability across countries and over time) l “Population exposure” – a long term solution Improvements in the national monitoring station networks (very expensive) or using modeled data (in cooperation with EMEP*) *Co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmissions of air pollutants in Europe, UN Economic Commission for Europe