Visit our website Dear Parents, It has been a while since our last newsletter, so I thought it was about time to write to you all again.


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Presentation transcript:

Visit our website Dear Parents, It has been a while since our last newsletter, so I thought it was about time to write to you all again. As ever, we have had a busy few months organising several fun events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Fashion Show which made about £730. Also a huge thanks must go out to all of you who generously gave your unwanted clothes to the ‘Bags to School’ scheme which generated £254 for FOCSS, indeed this was such a success will be doing it again towards the end of this year… But what are we doing with this money? Following discussions with Mr Ryan, there are several significant projects FOCSS are looking to support in the next year or so. The first of these is the complete refurbishment of the toilets. Whilst this might not seem very glamorous, it’s never the less overdue and will benefit all the children. FOCSS have agreed to donate £5,000 towards the total bill. More on our other plans in the next Messenger. Finally, thank you all for your continued support and if you’d like to get involved in the committee, please give me a call. Best wishes Paul Squirrell – Chairman Messenger June 2011 Contents: Letter from Chairman Pet Show Camp Out Your FOCSS Dates for your diary 30 th June (1.30pm) Sports Day 2nd July: Summer Fair & Pet Show 13 th July: (2pm & 7pm) KS2 Performances 16 th July: Games Afternoon & Camp Out

Visit our website The Summer Fair & Pet Show Please keep the 2 nd July free because it’s the 19 th annual Summer Fair and Pet Show on field by the church. If you have any pets, don’t forget to bring them along and enter them in one of the many competitions – you never know, they might win! As well as the Pet Show there will be games stalls, the crockery smash (always good for stress relief), a bouncy castle, a tug-of-war competition, BBQ and bar, raffle, tea and cakes and much, much more… The gates open at noon, so come along early and enjoy the fun. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather! We really do need extra help on the day to set-up, run stalls and then pack-up after the event, we’d love to hear from you if you can help – please call Tim, Liz or Paul – thank you! … a few pictures from previous years

Visit our website The Games Afternoon & Camp Out Summer is here… sort of... So it’s time to dust off your old tent that’s been in the garage all winter in time for the Games Afternoon and Camp Out on Saturday 16th July starting from 3pm. This really is fun for the whole family with games, a BBQ and bar plus a night under the stars around a fire with music and entertainment. Tickets will be going on sale soon at a cost of £5 per head if purchased in advance, (£7.50 on the day). Charges apply to all parents and any children of school age but, toddlers are free. (Ticket costs cover the BBQ and breakfast). This year there will be no charge for tent pitches and space will be allocated on a first come first severed basis from 1pm… Please come along and join the fun! Website: Don’t forget there’s more information on the FOCSS website including the dates for up- coming events, a gallery of previous events and more about how you can get involved. Dragon Boat The 11 th and 12 th September sees the return of the dragon boats to Bewl Water. Last year the FOCSS crew raise over £800. Sadly this year we’ve not been able to find anybody to organise a team, so we’ll not be able to participate in the event.

Visit our website Your FOCSS Committee 2011 and where to find us Kelly Bentall (Treasurer) - Parent of Nicola (Russet) Anna Brooker (Secretary) - Parent of Wesley (Bramley) Andrea Cahill - Parent of Francesca (Pippins) Liz Clifford - Parent of Elisa (Pippins) & Jamie (Russet) Charmian Duke - Parent of Lewis (Russet) Beverley Emmerson - Parent of Amelia (Bramley) & Eloise (Russet) Ali Flintan - Parent of Jamie & Joe (Russet) Tim Murdoch (Vice Chair) - Parent of Nancy (Bramley) Paul Ryan – Head Teacher Paul Squirrell (Chair) - Parent of Charlie (Russet) Come on, join in… Every parent automatically becomes a member of FOCSS when their child starts at the school. Whilst FOCSS is coordinated by a small committee, we try and achieve a great deal. So if you have any fun, original fundraising suggestions or hidden talents that could be benevolently exploited by FOCSS, we would be delighted to hear from you! Raise it with any member of the committee, listed below. Your FOCSS… Marina’s Bench As many of you know, Marina Savov lost her battle with cancer and sadly passed away at Christmas. FOCSS decided that the money donated in her memory should be used to purchase a wooden bench. This has now been installed on the school field as quiet place.