Brekenridge snow skiing
Brekenridge ski map
Freshman Project Mitch Watson, project manager Description: Skiing in Colorado at The Breckenridge Ski Resort. Research Required: I will have some information about the ski slopes, some of the hours will be of me filming while skiing. I will put together a how to, and how to not ski video. Technology Required:I had planned to use a go pro hero camera but it ended up being he Guy Harris filmed me with an all weather camera, and I will be using windows movie maker to compose the video. Due dates: Dec revision, Jan 2012 video #1, Feb 2012 video #2, May 2012 video #3 Mentor: Guy Harris. Justification: This project is important to me because I love to snow ski, and I want to do this project, because I think some people would enjoy watching on board footage of snow skiing. I think the meaning of doing this is so people that have never skied before can get an idea of what it is like. Estimated number of hours: We are skiing 3 full days so I think I will have at least 10 hours of time for filming, because I usually ski all day accept for when we are eating. Only a few minutes of the skiing will be on video, because I will pick the best moments out to put into the video. After coming back home I will bring the footage to school and delete certain parts. Composing the video will take several class periods so I think I will have at least 30 hours or even more. Other information: I will be filming over Christmas break.