AGATA The Advanced Gamma Ray Tracking Array Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G. Status of the Working Group and Tasks A.Gadea.


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Presentation transcript:

AGATA The Advanced Gamma Ray Tracking Array Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G. Status of the Working Group and Tasks A.Gadea

Purpose: coordination of the use and integration of ancillary devices in AGATA. Demonstrator phase: Identification of existing ancillary devices necessary to demonstrate the feasibility of using a tracking array in different experimental conditions. Construction of the necessary electronics to guarantee the correct coupling of the ancillary and AGATA Demonstrator electronics. Coordinate the ancillary devices mechanical integration Evaluate the impact of the ancillary detector in the AGATA performance. Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

TASKS Ancillary detectors for the “key” experiments and AGATA demonstrator tests. (N.Redon) Electronics and data acquisition integration. (Ch.Theisen) Ancillary detector impact on the AGATA performances. (No chairman) Mechanic integration of ancillary detectors in AGATA. (No chairman) Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

MEETINGS OF THE W.G. Start meeting: May 16 th -17 th 2003 Definition of tasks AGATA Week : September 15 th -19 th 2003 First concepts of integration of the electronics Impact of ancillary devices on AGATA W.G. Meeting: June 22 th 2004 Interaction with the AGATA GTS (latency!) Ancillary devices for the Demonstrator phase Electronics and data acquisition TASK meeting: 17 th November 2004 Starting the specifications for an ancillary electronics GTS interface. Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

TASK: STATUS AND LINKS Ancillary detectors for the “key” experiments. (N.Redon). Link with DATA ANALYSIS W.G.: Key experiments task Identification of Facilities and ancillary instruments to prove the AGATA Demonstrator. Document on demonstration scheduling, done in collaboration with the key experiments task, will be available soon. Meeting Wednesday 14:00 (N.Redon/E.Farnea) Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

Scheduling for the AGATA modules and Demonstrator tests Test of symmetric capsules In beam test of the symmetric cluster ~June 2005? (if ~108 sampling ADC channels are available) Test in different labs of the symmetric and asymmetric capsules Demonstration campaigns: Starting at end early 2007 Debugging the full/partial Demonstrator Low v/c (<0.1) beam demonstration campaign Medium v/c (≤0.3) beam demonstration campaign High v/c (>0.3) beam demonstration campaign Radioactive beams test (background conditions) Tagging demonstration campaign

GSI: Demonstrator at FRS LNL: Demonstrator +PRISMA GANIL: Demonstrator +VAMOS (and may be with SPEG) JYFL: Demonstrator +RITU IKP KÖLN: Demonstrator + ancillaries Proposed Demonstration sites and devices LUSIA: Lund Si-strip detectors Recoil filter detector (RFD) Neutron Wall The CUP detector

TASK: STATUS AND LINKS Electronics and data acquisition integration. (Ch.Theisen) Link with Data Processing W.G.: GTS task and DAQ task. Document on specification of the Ancillary GTS interface (draft) distributed Team engineers from: Krakow, GANIL, Daresbury, Padova, … working on the specifications and electronic design Technical Ancillary-GTS Meeting Tuesday 14:00 (Ch.Theisen) Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

GTS Mezzanine VME Back- plane FPGA Memory Optical Fibre Control bus Front pannel I/O VME GTS Interface: schematic block diagram (Trigger input etc…) “standard” + TDR interfacing

Specifications: Backward compatibility with VME/VXI based ADC and readout fornt ends Full compatibility with the AGATA GTS mezzanine It will work with the Trigger-request / Trigger acceptance protocol Will provide the interfacing with TDR systems (required for tagging setups)

TASK: STATUS AND LINKS Ancillary detector impact on AGATA performances. (No chairman) Link with DATA ANALYSIS W.G.: simulation of Key experiments task Impact of the different ancillary instrument into the AGATA performances (only done for few cases). See contribution of E.Farnea on Wednesday morning: simulation of the impact of EUCLIDES Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

TASK: STATUS AND LINKS Mechanical integration of ancillary detectors and devices. (No chairman) Link with Infrastructure W.G. Coordination required due to the start of the test campaigns. Integration of ancillaries in early pre-Demonstrator campaigns. Ancillary Detector and Integration W.G.

Experimental activity proposal key-experiments & ancillary devices teams Binary Reactions (Coulomb excitation, quasi-elastic reactions, etc...) –Feasibility of tracking with Doppler corrections for v/c < 0.1 –Large scattering angle for the products –Reconstruction of low multiplicity "simple" spectra. Reactions close to the Coulomb barrier (Fusion-Evaporation reactions / Deep Inelastic Collisions) –Tracking with ~0 degree recoils (Fusion-Evaporation reactions). –Tracking with high multiplicity and large scattering angle for the products (Deep Inelastic) –High spin, reconstruction of high multiplicity spectra. GDR and high energy gamma detection (Fusion-evaporation at the limits of angular momentum). –Tracking efficiency for high energy gammas –Explore the reconstruction on non-Compton processes (pair production) Medium and high v/c reactions with stable (knock-out, fragmentation and relativistic Coulomb excitation) –Feasibility of tracking with Doppler corrections for v/c >> 0.1 –Low gamma multiplicity at large v/c (Coulomb excitation or knock-out) –Large gamma multiplicity at large v/c (fragmentation)

Experimental activity proposal key-experiments & ancillary devices teams High intensity stable beams (tracking at extreme counting rates) –Low multiplicity (Coulomb excitation, quasi-elestic collisions etc...) –High multiplicity (Fusion-Evaporation reactions / Deep Inelastic Collisions) –Proton-rich nuclides, medium spin, v/c=0, (tracking with a compact array) RIB Close to the coulomb barrier –Define the sensitivity limits of the array –Explore the behaviour of the array under high radioactive background conditions –Check the techniques for background reduction Low, medium and high v/c reactions with RIB's –Define the sensitivity limits of the array –Explore the behaviour of the array under high beam background conditions –Check the high energy hadronic background effects  -decay and isomer decay studies. –Effects of the de-localized annihilation of the positron (  + decay). –Effects of a large area gamma source.

Low Energy reaction mechanisms Coulomb excitation (Coulex) and Inelastic scattering. Transfer and quasi-elastic processes. Multi-nucleon transfer. Deep Inelastic Collisions. Quasi-fusion reactions. Fusion – evaporation. Fusion-fission.

High energy reaction mechanisms Cross sections : - up to1 barn for Coulex (large Z nuclei) - tens of mbarn for 1 nucleon knockout, - down to few mb for 2 nucleons knockout. Knockout reaction Relativistic (single step) Coulomb excitation Knockout reactions Fragmentation reactions