ACTION PLAN JICA – CRICED Tsukuba University Cecilia Beatriz CASTRO LAZARTE March 5 th, 2010
PROBLEM TREE Students don't use basic mathematics properly Bad teaching training structure for Mathematics at schools in Cochabamba. Pre-service teacher training Program doesn't have enough methodological contents Lesson Study is not included in the contents of Science Didactics In - service teachers at CEIVO school use always the same lesson plan Teachers don't have a structure to review the lesson. Students don't like mathematics Teachers don't enjoy teaching maths. Teachers don't use concrete materials in Math classes other than to count.
OBJECTIVE TREE Students can use basic mathematics properly Improve teaching training structure for Mathematics at schools in Cochabamba. Increase pre-service teacher training Program methodological contents Include Lesson Study is in the contents of Science Didactics In - service teachers at CEIVO school will make their own lesson plan Implement "Lesson Study at this School" Students enjoy mathematics Teachers enjoy teaching maths. Teachers use Hands - on Math to teach "base 10 system" for example.
LESSON STUDY Improve see Plan Reflect do Reflect Improve
Comparison and discussion – Why? Independent Solving Problematic Summary Posing Problem -We have 12 cakes. -We have eaten 5. - Later, mom gave us 3 more cakes. - How many cakes do we have now? Problem Solving Approach
glue here Cut here What is the result? Professor Tsubota Lecture
Magic Box ¿? ¿? ¿? What is the meaning of these cards?
Plan of operation 1 Increase pre -service teachers' methodological baggage Include the topic of Lesson Study in the contents of the 5 th semester subject: Science Didactics I Develop the topic with pre-service teachers training at UMSS - Role Play “Lesson Study” Include the topic of “Lesson Study” as practice for the 8 th semester subject: “Teaching Practice” 2 Implement Lesson Study at the school Centro Educativo Integral Villa de Oropeza Meet with the teachers of the school, explain the structure of Lesson Study Make Lesson Plan Give Class Observe lesson with pre-service teachers and the other teachers of the school Have reflection about the class 3 Organize workshop at the UMSS: Mathematical Contents for Primary Education Prepare the contents for the workshop. Invite pre-service teachers and in-service teachers of downtown schools. Carry out workshop 4 Organize workshop at the UMSS about Hands – On Math Prepare the contents for the workshop. Invite pre-service teachers and in-service teachers of downtown schools. Prepare materials for the hands – on (Concrete and papers) Carry out workshop