Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig Included: A brief excerpt from the book and rigorous question set activities promoting higher level-thinking development
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Excerpt from book Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind Tier 1 Excerpt from book Jacob’s Ladder Goals & Objectives Habits of Mind
Excerpt Frightened by a lion on a rainy day, Sylvester the donkey asks his magic pebbles to turn him into a rock. He soon realizes, however, that as a rock he cannot hold the pebble to wish himself back to normal again. Not knowing how to solve his problem, Sylvester eventually tries to cope with the idea that he will be a rock forever as his saddened parents try to cope with the loss of their son. Hope may not be lost, though, as one day his parents go on a picnic and unknowingly use Sylvester as a table. Will the family be reunited? Obtain the book from a school library to read the story in its entirety and complete the ladder activities.
Students will be able: Ladder B B1 Details - To list specific details or recall facts related to the text or generate a list about a specific topic or character. B2 Classifications - To categorize different aspects of the text or identify categories from a list of topics or details. B3 Generalizations - To make general statements about the reading or an idea in the reading and use data to support statements. Ladder C C1 Literary Elements - To identify and explain specific story elements such as character, setting, or poetic-device. C2 Inference - To use textual clues to read between the lines and make judgments about specific textual events, ideas, or character analysis. C3 Theme/Concept - To identify a major idea or theme common in the text. Ladder E E1 Understanding Emotion – to explain how emotion and feeling are conveyed in a text and/or their personal experience. E2 Expressing Emotion – to articulate their feelings through a variety of media (e.g., song, art, poem, story, essay, speech) E3 Using Emotion – to analyze how emotion affects the passage and/or the reader.
Habits of Mind Working Interdependently Thinking about Thinking (metacognition) Innovating, Creating, Imagining Refer to Jacob’s Ladder Story Table for Ladder B, C & E Thinking Questions.
(Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder B, C & E Questions Tier 2 Rigor (Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder B, C & E Questions
Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, 3-4 Podcast slides (Pixie, Frames). Choose 2 of 3 questions below to complete. B1—Make a list of the details the author shares about the passage of time from when Sylvester becomes a rock to when his parents discover him. B2—Make a visual chart, diagram, or lists to show how you would or could categorize these details from B2. Share with a classmate and discuss of you categorized them similarly or differently. C1—The use of symbolism in a story allows an object to represent something other than what it is. Sylvester becomes a rock, for example, when he encounters the lion. What are all of the ways that being a rock characterizes Sylvester? What else might it represent in the story? C2—What inference do you draw from the story? What does it teach us about life? Share your answers with a classmate. E1—What feelings do you have about Sylvester? How do they change as the story progresses? How would you describe Sylvester’s parents’ feelings? Would Sylvester be a person you would choose as a friend? Why or Why Not? What qualities does Sylvester have that you may have or look for OR not in a friend?
(Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder B, C & E Questions Tier 3 Rigor (Discussion) High Level Strategies with Ladder B, C & E Questions
Discussion Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Write-around, 3-4 Podcast slides (Pixie, Frames). Choose 2 of 3 questions below to complete. B3—What generalizations can you make about the concept of time based on your examples and categories (B1 & B2) How is time a central idea in the story? C3—The theme of this book might be the power of love. Another might be to never trust magic. Select the theme you think is best and share why. Remember to provide details from the story to support your ideas. E2—Think of a time you were lost and then found your way. What were your emotions? How did you feel under the circumstance? How is that experience similar to and different from the story of Sylvester? Complete a graphic organizer to show your comparing and contrasting. E3—How does the author portray emotion in the book? What techniques does he use in the illustrations as well as the story line or text?
Reflections/Relevance Tier 4 Reflections/Relevance
Choose one of the writing ideas to complete. Be creative. 1. Write and illustrate about what you would turn into, like Sylvester and the stone. Why did you choose that item? How do you feel? 2. What would it be like or what was it like to be lost from adults? Write your feelings before, during and after the situation. Suggested project strategies: Write a podcast script; create a puppet show; develop a PSA; a PowerPoint presentation; write and be an actor in a skit; write a persuasive speech and give before the class.