The Puritan Influence 1620-1760
The Puritans are a group of people who became discontent with the Church of England. They wanted to ‘purify’ the church, but decided the Church of England was beyond reform. So, to escape persecution from church leadership and the King, they came to America. Who Are the Puritans?
Human beings are inherently evil and so must struggle to overcome their sinful nature. Personal salvation depends solely on the grace of God, not on individual effort. (Predestination!) The Bible is the supreme authority on earth. Hard word and worldly success are signs of God's grade. Puritan Beliefs
Puritan Values Self-reliance Hard work Discipline Religion is the center of their lives and their education revolves around religion. Puritan Values
Why Puritans read the Bible As a story of the creation, fall, wanderings, and rescue of the human race which could be applied to one’s own life. Because they believed the Bible to be the literal word of God. Why Puritans read the Bible
Theocracy-government officials who are to be divinely guided; therefore, if a person wants to question an official, then they are going against God’s will. Theocracy—government officials who are to be divinely guided. Puritan Government
Characteristics of Puritan Writing Bible as model Diaries and Histories Plain style-usually valued clarity over figures of speech Characteristics of Puritan Writing
“Protestant work ethic”- willingness to work hard for survival Established a free public grammar school. Established Harvard College guilt The Puritan Legacy…
Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)