Module 11: Module 11: Use of MDGs and Indicators in Policy Making Tools for Civil Society to Understand and Use Development Data: Improving MDG Policymaking and Monitoring
What you will be able to do by the end of this module: Describe how MDGs are made operationalDescribe how MDGs are made operational Understand why MDGs need to be adapted to fit the country’s situationUnderstand why MDGs need to be adapted to fit the country’s situation Know how to advocate for MDGsKnow how to advocate for MDGs Explain the importance of costing MDGsExplain the importance of costing MDGs Outline some of the principles in setting targetsOutline some of the principles in setting targets
Operationalizing the MDGs Each country needs to develop a long-term (10-12 year) policy plan for reaching the MDGsEach country needs to develop a long-term (10-12 year) policy plan for reaching the MDGs Then, countries need to develop medium-term (3- 5 year) strategies that reflect the long-term goalsThen, countries need to develop medium-term (3- 5 year) strategies that reflect the long-term goals MDGs can be made operational through a number of other policy processes, including:MDGs can be made operational through a number of other policy processes, including: - National human development strategies - National human development strategies - National strategies for sustainable development - National strategies for sustainable development - National conservation strategies - National conservation strategies - Sectoral plans and strategies - Sectoral plans and strategies
Adapting MDGs It is necessary to adapt MDGs to fit local circumstancesIt is necessary to adapt MDGs to fit local circumstances - at country level – “tailoring or customizing” - at country level – “tailoring or customizing” - at sub-national level – “localizing” - at sub-national level – “localizing” Some countries may have already, or nearly, met some targetsSome countries may have already, or nearly, met some targets - but maybe not in all districts - but maybe not in all districts It may be necessary to address quality concerns and not just quantity (countries may consider qualitative indicators)It may be necessary to address quality concerns and not just quantity (countries may consider qualitative indicators) Particular groups may need prioritizing (geographic, income, age groups, sex)Particular groups may need prioritizing (geographic, income, age groups, sex)
Adapting MDGs (2) Belarus: Three-times reduction of poverty rateThree-times reduction of poverty rate Universal general secondary educationUniversal general secondary education Gender equality on labor market and in decision- makingGender equality on labor market and in decision- making Halving under-five mortality rateHalving under-five mortality rate Almost halving maternal mortality ratioAlmost halving maternal mortality ratio No quantitative target for access to water and improved sanitationNo quantitative target for access to water and improved sanitation
Adapting MDGs (3) Moldova: Two rounds (2004 and 2007) of national adaptationTwo rounds (2004 and 2007) of national adaptation Reduction of poverty rate by one-thirdReduction of poverty rate by one-third Almost (98%) universal general secondary educationAlmost (98%) universal general secondary education Increased enrollment to pre-school programsIncreased enrollment to pre-school programs Gender equality in employment and decision- makingGender equality in employment and decision- making Reduction of under-five mortality rate by one- fourth and maternal mortality ratio by one-fifthReduction of under-five mortality rate by one- fourth and maternal mortality ratio by one-fifth
Advocating for a better way of living (MDGs) Advocating is important toAdvocating is important to - Engage all stakeholders creating a basic understanding of Government commitment to poverty reduction and the achievement of the other MDGs - Engage all stakeholders creating a basic understanding of Government commitment to poverty reduction and the achievement of the other MDGs - Mobilize public support for their achievement - Mobilize public support for their achievement MDGs need to become part of people’s everyday livesMDGs need to become part of people’s everyday lives
Who Are the Stakeholders? Grassroots movementsGrassroots movements MediaMedia Special interest groupsSpecial interest groups Policy analysts and academicsPolicy analysts and academics DonorsDonors ParliamentariansParliamentarians High level partnersHigh level partners
How can they contribute to strengthen advocacy? Social pressureSocial pressure Political pressurePolitical pressure Press coverage, publicityPress coverage, publicity Policy debatePolicy debate
What are the opportunities for advocacy? Opportunities to advocate for better life and the MDGs are plenty, any forum and dialogue can provide a room for thatOpportunities to advocate for better life and the MDGs are plenty, any forum and dialogue can provide a room for that Among them:Among them: - Launch of MDG reports - Launch of MDG reports - National and local elections - National and local elections - Launch of National Human Development Reports - Launch of National Human Development Reports - PRSP discussions - PRSP discussions
Costing MDGs through needs assessments Estimates of required financing need to be based on a realistic assessment of the cost of meeting the MDGsEstimates of required financing need to be based on a realistic assessment of the cost of meeting the MDGs An MDG needs assessment is required, i.e., detailed quantitative assessment of human, material and financial resourcesAn MDG needs assessment is required, i.e., detailed quantitative assessment of human, material and financial resources
Why do we set targets? To mobilize resources to achieve specific goalsTo mobilize resources to achieve specific goals To priorities the allocation of resources (the larger the number of targets the weaker their role in allocating resources)To priorities the allocation of resources (the larger the number of targets the weaker their role in allocating resources) To introduce accountabilityTo introduce accountability
Targets need to be realistic: SMART SpecificSpecific MeasurableMeasurable AchievableAchievable RelevantRelevant TimeboundTimebound
More on Targets Disaggregated targets for different regions or population groups (gender, ethnicity) can provide an instrument to ensure equal treatment for disadvantaged groupsDisaggregated targets for different regions or population groups (gender, ethnicity) can provide an instrument to ensure equal treatment for disadvantaged groups Medium-term strategies (like PRSP) should reflect long-term (MDG) goalsMedium-term strategies (like PRSP) should reflect long-term (MDG) goals Short-term, annual targets are not necessary in some areas but progress should be monitored annually using intermediate indicatorsShort-term, annual targets are not necessary in some areas but progress should be monitored annually using intermediate indicators The time path to achieving a target needs to be thought throughThe time path to achieving a target needs to be thought through
Setting realistic targets: three techniques Historical benchmarkingHistorical benchmarking Macro-simulationsMacro-simulations Micro-simulationsMicro-simulations
Summary MDGs are operationalized through medium-term strategies, like PRSPsMDGs are operationalized through medium-term strategies, like PRSPs A range of other national/sectoral strategies will be criticalA range of other national/sectoral strategies will be critical The MDGs need to be adapted to fit national contextsThe MDGs need to be adapted to fit national contexts Opportunities to advocate for MDGs should be seizedOpportunities to advocate for MDGs should be seized To estimate costs of meeting the MDGs needs assessments need to be undertakenTo estimate costs of meeting the MDGs needs assessments need to be undertaken A range of methods can be used to set targets A range of methods can be used to set targets
Practical 11 1.Compare international and nationally adapted MDGs and discuss, which set is more ambitious and why 2.Compare national mid-term development strategy’s targets with MDG targets - How well does the MTDS cover MDGs? - How well does the MTDS cover MDGs? - Are MTDS targets ambitious enough for MDG achievement? - Are MTDS targets ambitious enough for MDG achievement? - Are MTDS targets plausible/achievable? - Are MTDS targets plausible/achievable? - Which MTDS targets are not in the MDGs? - Which MTDS targets are not in the MDGs?