Session 2010/ SMC4523 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING DESIGN Synthesis Generating and developing design solutions Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamarul Baharin Tawi Dr. Nurulakmar Abu Husain
A structured approach to overall design process comprises three phases: Formulation Identifying needs/requirements and specifications of the design problem. The result of design formulation is sometimes referred to as the design brief or, more simply, the definition of the design problem. Synthesis Identification of one or more design solutions consistent with the requirements defined during formulation and any additional requirements identified during synthesis. Evaluation Interpreting a partially or completely specified design description for conformance with expected performances. This phase of the design process often includes engineering analysis. Ref: Maher, M. L. (1990) Process Models for Design Synthesis, AI Magazine Vol. 11 No. 4 pp
WeekLecture/StudioTopic / Content Introduction & Project Description Design needs and requirements Identifying and establishing needs and requirements Design needs and requirements (cont.) Developing problem statements Establishing design specifications Synthesis Generating and developing design solutions 8MID SEMESTER BREAK Analysis Detail design analysis (functional, strength, reliability, safety and cost) Evaluation & optimisation Improving details Report and Presentation 16-18REVISION WEEK AND FINAL EXAMINATION Formulation Synthesis Evaluation SMC 4523
SYNTHESIS Synthesis: creative act or process of generating ideas for design proposals : finding possible solutions for subproblems and building up complete designs from these : combining, mixing, compounding of anything – whether ideas or beliefs, substances or parts, activities or processes – into a new whole Commonly considered the hallmark of design Without ideas, there is nothing to analyse or to choose between!! Senses of synthesis Sunthesis (Collection) Suntithenai (To put together) Ref: Chakrabarti, A., Engineering design synthesis: understanding, approaches, and tools.
Substitute Combine Adapt Magnify/Modify Put to other purposes Eliminate Rearrange/Reverse
SYNTHESIS Synthesis: creative act or process of generating ideas for design proposals : finding possible solutions for subproblems and building up complete designs from these : combining, mixing, compounding of anything – whether ideas or beliefs, substances or parts, activities or processes – into a new whole Commonly considered the hallmark of design Without ideas, there is nothing to analyse or to choose between!! Senses of synthesis Sunthesis (Collection) Suntithenai (To put together) Ref: Chakrabarti, A., Engineering design synthesis: understanding, approaches, and tools.
Generation of design alternatives and selection of better ones based on incomplete information SYNTHESIS appears repeatedly throughout a design process Senses of synthesis ABSTRACT REPRESENTATION REFINED SOLUTIONS
BRAINSTORMING Free flowing idea generation technique Write down all ideas as they are presented No judging or pre-selecting Encourage everyone to participate Work list to point of “exhaustion” Evaluate list on objective / subjective criteria
Form of design solution is identified. Experienced designers resort to trial and error LESS FREQUENTLY than novice designers when they synthesize designs A designer considers a design space that contains the knowledge that is used to develop the design solution. What happen during synthesis? Developed and expanded as s/he gains experience Ref: Maher, M. L. (1990) Process Models for Design Synthesis, AI Magazine Vol. 11 No. 4 pp
A design solution /concept is an idea that is sufficiently developed to evaluate the physical principles that govern its behaviour confirming that the proposed solution will operate as anticipated Design solutions /concepts must be refined enough to evaluate the technologies needed to realize them to evaluate the basic form / architecture of them to evaluate their manufacturability Rough sketch Diagram Notes Design solutions generation EVALUATION Representations Enough detail must be developed so the functionality of the idea can be ensured
If you generate one idea, it will probably be a poor idea If you generate twenty ideas, you might have one good idea Designers tend to take 1 st idea, refine to final solution GENERATE MULTIPLE CONCEPTS/IDEAS