Music Genres and History
Music Music is old Universal language Music and musical devices in history
Snare marchers WWII radio Civil rights marchers
Genres Rock and Roll Jazz gospel Rap
Music facts Rock and roll was is an alternative name for rock Jazz is the music you hear in elevators Beats in rap are usually made by a machine Gospel music is referred to as religious music
Rock and Roll Developed in the 1960’s Partying and drugs Led Zeppelin and the Beatles
Jazz Jazz was brought to attention the 1920’s and 30’s prohibition law and speakeasies Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington
Gospel Sung throughout time Religious music by all denominations Stereotypical
Rap Rap acquired its name in the 1980’s Started in cities The leading rap artists are: Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne, and Kanye West Hip-Hop
Plus and Minus positive and negative Lyrics and messages
Job shadowing Music Studio Running a studio The programs
Studio work Scott Franson Studio work is extreme guess and check work Trying out new sounds precursors