+ Today Tuesday 9/22/15 You will… 1. Complete ISN p Review Macromolecules 3. Complete Biochemistry Packet 4. FBI You will need: 1. ISN 2. Something to write with 3. Three pages from up front 4. Markers Bell work: Glue in Biochemistry Packet ISN p. 28 Glue in and label each macromolecule picture ISN p.22. Color code them. For example, all the carbs, outline in red etc.
+ ISN p. 22 Color code your molecules
+ Did you know? A polar bear cannot be seen by an infrared camera, due to its transparent fur.
+ Lets review macromolecules Read over the questions before the video starts mZw
+ Macromolecule FBI Using either Carbon, Organic, Inorganic, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, or Nucleic Acid label each of the examples. When you are done turn in your FBI to me Begin working on ISN p. 28 Biochemistry Packet
+ Use your notes and the macromolecule packet to answer the questions. Complete ALL 4 pages of the biochemistry packet Whatever you do not finish in class is homework When you are finished pick up and pack up Make sure your group area is clean: Books stacked 2 glue bottles Markers returned to bucket Remember, you have a quiz on Thursday so ……… STUDY STUDY STUDY! Biochemistry Packet ISN 28 Macromolecule Packet ISN 29