US History Pre-revolutionary topics
Take notes on the following topics: 1) Bacon’s Rebellion, pp 2) Slavery, pp 3) Trade, p. 82 4) Great Awakening, pp
Bacon’s Rebellion 1) Give two reasons why indentured servants were angry enough to rebel. 2) What brought the rebellion to an end? 3) How did Bacon’s Rebellion impact slavery, and why?
Slavery 4) Name two things you learned about the middle passage. 5) In what year were Africans first brought to Jamestown, and by what year does it seem that life-long slavery was established? 6) Who were the first abolitionists in the colonies?
Trade 7) Explain two things you learned about mercantilism. 8) Name two policies that the colonists had to follow as part of the Navigation Acts.
Great Awakening 9) Which preacher gave the sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” and what was his intention in giving the sermon? 10) Explain two ways the Great Awakening impacted the colonies.