Stress Management and Relaxation by Petris Lapis
“Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.” - Janis Joplin
100% –100% 0% 100%50% Performance (mental and physical activity) Stress
The stress cycle
Your Thoughts & Stress
The Stress Merry Go Round
Ways to Decrease Stress Activity
The 5 step plan to beat stress
What Can You Do?
Essential exercising Essential to remove stress build up Produces neurotransmitters Produces beta-endorphins – pain relievers and mood enhancers Improves learning and memory
Relaxation Stress responseRelaxation response UpHeart rateDown UpBlood pressureDown UpBreathing rateDown UpMuscle tensionDown UpSweatingDown UpState of mental arousal Down UpAdrenalin flowDown
What happens to your brain when you relax Brain waves Beta - alert Alpha - relaxed Theta - drowsy Delta - asleep This image comes from The ADD NueroFeedback website ( What is this one?
RedBody Orange Emotions YellowThoughts GreenPeace BlueLove Purple (Indigo)Goals VioletHarmony The use of colour
16 Thank you “May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face. May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again May Life hold you softly in the palm of Her hand.” – Old Gaelic Blessing (Adapted) Petris Lapis a product of Extollo Pty Ltd GPO Box 783 BRISBANE QLD 4001 (07)
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