Sugar and Starch Lab Purpose: To be able to identify, using indicator solutions, whether a food product contains sugar, starch or both. Day 1: Begin taking observations of familiar foods from our kitchens. You MUST test: Distilled water Flour Cornstarch Sugar Marshmallow Egg white Mashed potato/buds Sugar solution
Sugar and Starch Lab Day 2: Finish exploration of 12 products and answer the following questions: Make a T-chart in your journal and identify those products that tested + for starch, those that tested+ for sugar, and those that tested + for both. What variables could have interfered with your testing accuracy? Why does the body need carbohydrates? What does the body use glucose for? Why would we want to test products for their nutrient composition? Where do you think starches and sugars begin to break down in the digestive system?
Sugar and Starch Lab Day 3: Conduct mystery product observations and rewrite lab on separate paper for turn in. Investigative question: How do the results of the indicator tests for sugar and starch (carbs)help us to identify the mystery product? Variables (MV,RV, 3 CV) Hypothesis: If the mystery product is_______, then the results of the sugar test will be _______ and the starch test will be _____, because __________________________. Data (from all observations) Conclusion (prewrite must be filled out and submitted)
Mystery Product Lab due Thursday 5 pts Title, IQ, Variables 5 ptsHypothesis 5 ptsData 10 ptsConclusion 5 ptsEDIT: Spelling,grammar complete sentences 30 pts Total