Recruiting and Serving Older Out-of-School Youth State of New Hampshire NH Department of Education Bureau of Youth Workforce
Context NH single Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Workforce Opportunity Council contracts with NH Department of Education for –Contracting, Technical assistance, and oversight of WIA Youth programs State Youth Council focus on dropout prevention and recovery Dropout Rate for school year was 2.5% (1682) or 9.7% cumulative 4 year rate. July 1, 2009 – cannot dropout of school until age 18
WIA Youth Programming 45% of funding committed to out-of-school youth Responders to Request for Proposal –School Districts –Community Based Organizations -
Model Expectations ARRA – Summer Youth Program –Minimum of 60 hours of work experience –Minimum of 20 hours of academics Weekly l5 hours work experience/5 hours of academics
Model Expectations – Formula Funded Programs Delivery/availability of the ten essential elements –GED (minimum l5 hours per week) –Work based learning (l40 hours) –Occupational – as required for credential/license –Leadership – 50 hours –Mentoring – minimum l.5 hours per week –Follow-Up – minimum 2 hours per month –Guidance and Counseling – l hour per week –Total – minimum of 30 hours per week
Recruitment –Media Advertising Newspaper, Public Service Announcements TV and Radio –Partner Referral (Shared Youth Vision) TANF, DCYF, DJJS, Food Stamps, Community Action, NH Works, Colleges, Public Housing, Health Clinics, School Counselors, In-School Youth Programs, Community based youth programs –Laundromats –Church fliers –ARRA New Methods $25 Referral Incentive Craig's List Web Pages Ticket to Work Employment Networks
Recruitment -- 2lst century Text messaging Face book Strategies that relate to this group of students
Clear Expectations Description of program component expectations Barrier Identification –Child Care –Transportation –Living Expenses –Commitment to the program
Demographics Over 90% basic skills deficient English as a second language Youth with Disabilities Juvenile Justice Dropouts
Post Summer Services Customer Choice/Goals Youth Contractor job placement Referrals to –Formula funded WIA Out-of-School Youth programs –NH Works to access Adult Programming (training or placement) –Adult Education or Post-Secondary Education