Agenda for Presenation What is NLIDB What has been done What is to be done
What is NLIDB? Organized Data Questions and Answers Use of SQL Basically, we are trying to extract data present in SQL databases
What is the BIG idea? Correspondence between relationships and verbs (or Adjectives) Concept of verb frames to represent the relationships What is a verb frame??? A frame with a central verb and some arguments
How does this idea work? Some information we need to provide to the NLIDB Understanding the database The different verb frames present How this information is presented? The 5 files that the developer needs to make
ER representation Example Format %er_rep = { student => { type => 'entity', attribute => [ Student_ID,Name,Date_OF_Birth, ,Sex,Address,City,State,Pin,Sex,CGPA,Program_ Name,Year_Of_Admission ], primary_key => 'Student_ID', rel_ship => 'register' }, registration => { type => 'relationship', attribute => [ Student_ID,Course_Code,Course_Grade ], primary_key => 'Student_ID,Course_Code', entity => 'student,course_offering' }
Verb Frames Example Format NLexpr=STUDENT$ GET GRADE$ IN COURSE$ ERexpr=register(student._key_,course_offering.gra de,course_offering._key_) NL-Er_Mapping= Verb::GET; SUBJ::STUDENT$::student._key_; OBJ::GRADE$::registration.Course_Grade; PP_IN::COURSE$::course_offering.Course_Name;
Definitions Example Format STUDENT$=pupil,student; GRADE$=grade,marks,percentage;
Join Information Example Format faculty:course_offering=>FACULTY.Faculty _ID=COURSE_OFFERING.Faculty_ID Course_offering:registration=>COURSE_OF FERING.Course_Code=REGISTRATION.C ourse_Code registration:student=>STUDENT.Student_I D=REGISTRATION.Student_ID
Database Information Example Format: IP Address of Database Server = Database Name = academics UserName = root Password = nlidb123
What all can the system do? Understand simple sentences Understand alternatives of nouns used Understand alternatives of verbs used Come up with a probable answer
What can it be made to do? A lot of things Handle complex sentences (Nested Queries) Simple Dialog Modeling (A project on Semantic Completion is done) Improved Adjectives Handling
Non NLP stuff which can be done Distribution mechanism for different domain/database data Improving database search Different DBMS
The End Questions?