Google Docs & Zoho Nicole Rausch Literacy & Technology
What is Google Docs… Easy to use online word processor, spreadsheet and presentation creator Allows teachers and students to edit and store their work online and access their work from any computer Allows teachers and students to collaborate on projects together online Until you "publish" a document, it's only visible to collaborators and viewers. To make it visible to anyone on the Internet, go to she Share button and "Publish as a web page..." This will generate a URL that can be sent to others by or even linked to from a blog.
What is Google Doc Video… TEA TEA Great visual explanation video which also tell you how to sign up and use google docs.
Students & Google Docs… Google Docs helps promote group work & peer editing (which is a stated goal of the National Council of Teachers of English) Google Docs helps stay organized and helps them stay on top of their work Google Docs saves work automatically so students don’t have to worry about forgetting to save their work Collaboration is easy online with other students, even if they aren’t in the same place A revision history option allows students to go back and see how their projects have evolved and who made the revisions
Teachers & Google Docs… Google Docs allows teachers to both publish announcements about up coming assignments and monitor student progress on assignments Through an interactive process teachers can give guidance on projects while students are still working on it Teachers can use the revision history to see who has been contributing to the project and when, no more excuses
Ways teachers use Google Docs… Promote group collaboration Keep track of grades, attendance, or any other data Facilitate writing as a process Create quizzes and tests using spreadsheets forms, Encourage collaborative presentation skills Collaborate on a document with fellow teachers Maintain, update and share lesson plans Track and organize cumulative project data
Educators & Why They Use Google Docs… ZdM&feature=player_embedded ZdM&feature=player_embedded In this video teachers, principles and students talk about why they like google docs and how they use it
What is Zoho… Started out as a web-based word processor in 2005 Since then additional products such as spreadsheets and presentations were incorporated Although some applications, such as Zoho CRM and Zoho Projects, require a fee to be used, Zoho maintains that it has a commitment to "maintaining a free tier of entry-level applications with free registration."
What is Zoho Video… nd0 nd0 Explains Zoho and features of Zoho and how to use it
Some Components of Zoho… Zoho Writer Zoho Sheet Zoho DB and Reports Zoho Show Zoho Projects Zoho Creator Zoho Wiki (shows all components and explains each)
Zoho Challenge… An online testing tool for teachers to conduct tests A tool that works smoothly with testing requirements which includes smart friendly interfaces
Features of Challenge… Support for multiple choice questions and descriptive questions. Results displayed immediately. This is configurable. Time limit can be specified for a question paper. Difficulty levels calculated automatically Online access to candidates' details Send s to candidates
What can you do easily… Create multiple exams Add candidates Schedule tests up to years ahead Take a quick peek on your candidates' performance Find out who's cleared the test in just one glance View a "report card" View graphical representation of the overall results of your tests
Students use Zoho Wikis… College Students use Wikis to: Foster knowledge and create a repository of information (i,e act as a Knowledge Base) Energize students to brainstorm on a particular topic and post their ideas Build communities by creating a collective repository of information to build expertise in a subject area Organize and share articles, videos, useful links, blogs and course materials for peer groups
References… l l Education.html Education.html