Abbreviations for Prescriptions
aaof each acbefore meals ADright ear Ad libfreely; as wanted ALleft ear Ampampule AUboth ears bidtwice daily
BOLbolus; large pill BSAbody surface area BWbody weight - cwith capscapsules cccubic centimeter (1ml) cwthundred weight dday; right
DSdose or days not acceptable g, gmgram galgallon gtt(s)drop; drops hhour hshour of sleep (bed time) IDintradermal IMintramuscular
INintranasal IPintraperitoneal ITintratracheal IVintravenous kgkilogram L, LT, Sleft LSALactated Ringer’s solution mcgmicrogram
mEqmilliequivalents mLmillilter MLVmodified live virus non repdo not repeat NPOnothing per os (nothing by mouth) NSnormal saline ODright eye OL, OSleft eye
OTCover the counter OUboth eyes pcafter meals per os, POorally; by mouth PI3parainfluenza-3 ppmparts per million prnas necessary PSSphysiologic saline
PWDpowder qevery q_hevery __ hours (for example, q8h means every 8 hours) qdevery day qhevery hour qidfour times a day qodevery other day qsquantity sufficient
R, RTright Rxtake - swithout SC, SQsubcutaneous Siglabel (prescription label) ss½ tabtablet
tidthree times daily Txtreatment Uunit Ungointment ut dictas directed