Syllabus: SCSX5018 GRID COMPUTING L T P Credits Total Marks 3 100 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 10 hrs. High Performance Computing- Cluster Computing-Grid Computing- Grid Computing Models- Types of Grids –An overview of Grid Business Areas- Grid Applications –Grid Protocols UNIT II GRID COMPUTING SYSTEMS AND ARCHITECTURES 10 hrs. Grid architecture – Grid architecture and relationship to other Distributed Technologies –Concept of virtual organizations- Grid Computing road map UNIT III THE NEW GENERATION OF GRID COMPUTING APPLICATIONS 10 hrs. Merging the Grid services Architecture with the Web Services Architecture UNIT IV OPEN GRID SERVICES ARCHITECTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE 10 hrs. OGSA – Sample use cases – OGSA platform components - OGSA Basic Services. Technical details of OSGI- OGSI/OGSA service elements and layered model UNIT V GRID COMPUTING TOOL KITS 10 hrs. Globus Toolkit – Architecture, Programming model, High level services – OGSI .Net middleware Solutions REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Joshy Joseph & Craig Fellenstein, “Grid Computing”, PHI, PTR-2003. 2. Ahmar Abbas, “Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to technology and Applications”, Charles River media – 2003. 3. Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, “The Grid2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”. Morgan Kaufman, New Delhi, 2004 4. Fran Bermn, Geoffrey Fox, Anthony Hey J.G., “Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality”, Wiley, USA, 2003 5. Maozhen Li, Mark Baker, The Grid: Core Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. WEBSITE: 1. 2. (Unit 5)
Grid Computing Models: Internet Application Collective Resource Connectivity Fabric Transport Internet Link The layered Grid architecture and its relationship to the Internet protocol architecture.
Resource Layer : Resource level- Local scheduler Grid computing architecture model Fabric Layer : Resources such as Hardware, DB, Storage, networks, computers, display devices, and their associated local services Connectivity Layer : Networking Infrastructure i.e Internet based protocols Resource Layer : Resource level- Local scheduler Collective Layer : Resource broker - Aggregation of resources- Meta scheduler level Application layer : High Energy Physics, Chemical Engineering Using Grid portals
Grid computing architecture model in detail……. grid Applications Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Software Development Toolkits (SDKs)
The fabric layer includes the protocols and interfaces that provide access to the resources that are being shared (compute resources, data resources, etc) connectivity layer defines core protocols required for grid-specific network transactions. These utilize the existing Internet protocols such as IP, Domain Name Service, various routing protocols. Another set of protocols defined by the connectivity layer include the core grid security protocol. This is also known as the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI). GSI provides uniform authentication, authorization, and message protection mechanisms. It also provides for a single sign-on to all the services that will be used and it utilizes public key technology such as X.509 The resource layer defines protocols required to initiate and control sharing of local resources. Protocols defined at this layer include: Grid Resource Allocation Management (GRAM)—Remote allocation, reservation, monitoring, and control of resources GridFTP (FTP Extensions)—High performance data access and transport Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS)—Access to structure and state information
The collective layer defines protocols that provide system oriented (versus local) capabilities for wide scale deployment The application layer defines protocols and services that are targeted toward a specific application or a class of applications. This layer is currently the least defined in the grid architecture. BOOK REFERENCE: Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Applications by Ahmar Abbas
We address each of these protocols individually: Grid Protocols: ->Protocols associated with each layer in the grid architecture are Grid Protocols. We address each of these protocols individually: Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Resource Allocation Management Grid File Transfer Protocol Grid Information Services
Grid Security Infrastructure: GSI in action
Resources are often located in different administrative domains with each resource potential having its own policies and procedures. Security concerns are further complicated by the fact that there are different requirements by users, resource owners, and developers who are creating or adapting their current products and tools to take advantage of the grid technology Extensions for Secure Socket Layer/ Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) and X.509 have been defined to allow single sign-on (proxy certificate) and delegation All of the research and academic grid activities use GSI. The Globus authority based on GSI certificates. The standardization process for the GSI developed at the Global Grid Forum (GGF).
Grid Resource Allocation Management GRAM protocol:
A Resource Specification Language (RSL) has been developed as a common notation for exchange of information between applications, resource brokers, and local resource managers. RSL provides two types of information: Resource requirements: machine type, number of nodes, memory, etc. Job configuration: directory, executable, arguments, environment GRAM protocol is a simple, HTTP-based remote procedure call (RPC). It sends messages such as job request, job cancel, status, signal, pending, active, done, failed, and suspended
Grid File Transfer Protocol: It is a Data Transfer protocol . In these GFTP, Data are being collected at one location transfer to other location with secure, fast, reliable manner. The standard FTP protocol has been extended while preserving interoperability with existing servers to develop GridFTP.
Grid Information Services A set of protocols and APIs are defined in the resource layer that provides key information about the grid infrastructure. Grid Information Service (GIS) provides access to static and dynamic information regarding a grid’s various components and includes the type and state of available resources. There are two types of Grid Information Services. Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS) Grid Index Information Service (GIIS). The GRIS supplies information about a specific resource The GIIS provides a collection of information that has been gathered from multiple GRIS servers. The Grid Resource Registration protocol is used by resources to register with the GRIS servers. The Grid Resource Inquiry protocol is used to query a resource description server for information and also query the aggregate server for information
Last sem (II Sem) Univ.question paper from M.E [CSE] (same sub.code) PART A 1.Compare and contrast grid portals and web portals with suitable example web portal or links page is a web site that functions as a point of access to information on the World wide Web. stateless., low speed web portals are iGoogle, msn and Yahoo. Grid portal is an application server that offers an online environment, insurance for collecting information on services and resources of the network. Sateful , high speed, efficient Grid portal are Garuda Grid portal and GridSphere.. 2. Define business on demand computing. What are the characteristics and capabilities of on demand business? One of the most valuable aspects of all Grid Computing systems are that they attract the business they are intended to address. In an “on-demand” scenario, these Grid Computing environments are the result of autonomic provisioning of a multitude of resources and capabilities, typically demonstrating increased computing resource utilization, access to specialized computer systems, cost sharing, and improved management capabilities.
IBM BUSINESS ON DEMAND INITIATIVE Business On Demand is not just about utility computing as it has a much broader set of ideas about the transformation of business practices, process transformation, and technology implementations. Characteristics of on-demand businesses: characteristics of on-demand businesses are responsiveness to the dynamics of business, adapting to variable cost structures, focusing on core business competency, and resiliency for consistent availability. Capabilities of on demand business : seamless integration of customers and partners, virtualization of resources , autonomic/dependable resources, and open standards. Benefits of on demand business: Implementation time is less Improved productivity and collaboration of virtual organizations and respective computing and data resources. High share data and resources flexible operational infrastructures optimal utilization of resource Reduce the cost
PART B 7.With a neat diagram explain the need of schedulers , Resource Broker and Load Balancing in grid applications. (or) 8.Write about the scope of Grid Computing in business area.
UNIT I Completed High Performance Computing- 2nd Book chapter 4.3 UNIT 1 BOOK COVERAGE: High Performance Computing- 2nd Book chapter 4.3 Cluster Computing - 2nd Book chapter 4.4 Grid Computing - 2nd Book chapter 4.7 Grid Computing Models - 2nd Book chapter 4.8 Types of Grids - 2nd Book chapter 4.13 An overview of Grid Business Areas–1st Book pg. no 12 Grid Applications- 1st Book pg. no 16 Grid Protocols - 2nd Book chapter 4.9 Book 1-Joshy Joseph & Craig Fellenstein, “Grid Computing” Book 2 Ahmar Abbas, “Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to technology and Applications” UNIT I Completed
organizations- Grid Computing road map UNIT II GRID COMPUTING SYSTEMS AND ARCHITECTURES Grid architecture – Grid architecture and relationship to other Distributed Technologies –Concept of virtual organizations- Grid Computing road map