Week 1 Tutorial: Foundation Mathematics for Business Statistics Mahrita.Harahap@uts.edu.au Week 1 Tutorial: Foundation Mathematics for Business Statistics The objective of this tutorial is for students to identify gaps in their maths knowledge early so they don’t make errors and little mistakes that will cost them marks in other assessments. Please go through the PowerPoint file “Calculator”.
BSTATS-KEY ASSESSMENT ITEMS “THRESHOLD CONCEPTS” THRESHOLD WEEK THRESHOLD CONCEPT 1 (TH1): Identifying relevant data, understanding measurement properties of data WEEK 1 THRESHOLD CONCEPT 2 (TH2): Understanding Data and summarizing data WEEK 2 THRESHOLD CONCEPT 3 (TH3): Relating variables and analyzing relationships between variables WEEKS 3-5 THRESHOLD CONCEPT 4 (TH4): Theoretical foundation of statistical inference-Understanding events and using data to calculate the probability of occurrence of an event. WEEK 7 THRESHOLD CONCEPT 5 (TH5): Theoretical foundation of statistical inference: Collecting samples and drawing inference WEEK 10 THRESHOLD CONCEPT 6 (TH6): Theoretical foundation of statistical inference: Building interval estimates and constructing hypothesis for statistical inference WEEKS 11-12 Threshold assessment system is based on identifying and testing students on key fundamental concepts that contribute to acquiring knowledge of a subject. The threshold assessment system is based on identifying specific topics/concepts and testing students in these topics in a manner such that a student can demonstrate “faultless” understanding of a threshold in terms of application of theory and analytical abilities. You can read previous questions about thresholds on the relevant forum of the discussion board on UTS online. If your question is still unanswered then post your question.
Subject Outline-Highlights ASSESSMENT FORMAT WEIGHTAGE DUE DATE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 20% Submission due in Week 7 Submission in your tutorial session only. NOTE: Late assignment submissions will be accepted only in Week 9 and attract 10% penalty. QUIZ SHORT ANSWER, CLOSED BOOK 40% QUIZ 1 20 minutes Week 3 QUIZ 2 Week 9 FINAL EXAM SHORT ANSWER, 1 HOUR, CLOSED BOOK EXAM, Final Exam Period (June 2015) For Quizzes and Final Exam: You are allowed to carry only a calculator. Formula sheet will be provided in the question paper. Formula sheet for final exam will be uploaded on UTS online as well. Practice tests will be made available 1 week before the assessment.
THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT WEEK 3 WEEK 9 WEEK 13 MARKS QUIZ 1 QUIZ 2 “MAKE-UP QUIZ FINAL EXAM TH 1 10 marks 10 marks TH 2 TH 3 10 marks 10 marks TH 4 TH 5 This objective of threshold assessment and demonstration of “faultless” understanding translates to obtaining either a full score (e.g. 10/10) or zero score if student lags in either theoretical understanding or analytical abilities. TH1-TH4 : Each of these threshold will be tested as one question with 1 to max 2 subparts; student can obtain either 10/10 OR 0/10. No part marks. TH5-TH6: Each of these threshold will be tested as one question with 1 to max 5 subparts; student can obtain part marks for sub-parts that are correctly answered. Part-marking is allowed since there is no second opportunity for TH5 and TH6. 20 marks TH 6 20 marks Assignment 20 marks = alternate opportunity to achieve marks for TH1 and TH2 100 marks = alternate opportunity to achieve marks for TH3 and TH4
Student Resources UPASS - is a voluntary “study session” where you will be studying the subject with other students in a group. It is led by a student who has previously achieved a distinction or high distinction in that subject, and who has a good WAM. You can sign up for U:PASS sessions in My Student Admin https://onestopadmin.uts.edu.au/. Note that sign up is not open until week 1, as it’s voluntary and only students who want to go should sign up Maths Study Center @ CB01.16.15 Free drop-in one on one consultation tutoring on math/stats related questions 11am to 5pm on weekdays Online resources such as youtube or www.khanacademy.org Discussion Board on UTS Online
Question 1: Order of mathematical operation BIDMAS: Brackets, Indices, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction NOTE: in b), when there is a divisor line, it instructs you to treat the quantity above the numerator as if it were enclosed in a parenthesis, and to treat the quantity below the numerator as if it were enclosed in yet another parenthesis.
Question 2: Converting Units of Measure a) 12.5 hours + 43.2 minutes = b) 26km/h + 4 m/s = NOTE: To turn hours into minutes, there are 60 minutes in an hour, so multiply 12.5 by 60 and you will get 12.5 hours in terms of minutes. NOTE: There are 1000 meters in a kilometer. So multiply 26 by 1000 to give you 26km in terms of meters. There are 3600 seconds in an hour, so to turn m/h into m/s, divide 26000 by 3600 to give you 26000m/h in terms of m/s.
Question 3: Square Root REMEMBER: (from q1) when there is a divisor line, it instructs you to treat the quantity above the numerator as if it were enclosed in a parenthesis, and to treat the quantity below the numerator as if it were enclosed in yet another parenthesis.
Question 4: Indices Rules NOTE: in d), mathematicians define y^0 = 1 in order to make the laws of exponents work even when the exponents can no longer be thought of as repeated multiplication. For example, (y^3)(y^5) = y^8 because you can add exponents. In the same way (y^0)(y^2)=y^2 by adding exponents. But that means that y^0 must be 1 because when you multiply y^2 by it, the result is y^2. Only y^0 = 1 makes sense here.
Question 5: Converting Decimals to Percentage to Fractions NOTE: this is a very fundamental concept and often very handy to simplify and solve problems. From decimals to percentage, multiply by 100. From decimals to fractions, divide the decimal form by 1 then multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point. (For example, if there are two numbers after the decimal point, then use 100, if there are three then use 1000, etc.)
Question 6: Mathematical Notation
Question 7: Factorial ! If n=10, p=5 , y=0, Find n!, p! and y! For the same values calculate p!/[(n-p)!]= NOTE: To find out why 0!=1 go to http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/57128.html
Question 8: Exponential functions On the calculator: