Western Civ Objective: To gain an understanding of the key differences between the Peloponnesian and Persian Wars, and to identify the causes of the decline of the Greeks. Agenda: Talk about test Talk about test Review session: Tuesday 6:45- 7:10 am in room C-8. Review session: Tuesday 6:45- 7:10 am in room C-8. Bring any questions you have—the review is driven by your questions.Bring any questions you have—the review is driven by your questions. Persian War and the Geography of Thermopylae Persian War and the Geography of Thermopylae Pericles Pericles Peloponnesian War Peloponnesian War Decline of the Greeks Decline of the Greeks (2 nd hour: Greek alphabet) (2 nd hour: Greek alphabet) Homework: Study for the Unit I Greece Exam on Wednesday.
Persian Wars Causes Persian rule over Ionian city-states—hostility Persian rule over Ionian city-states—hostility Ionians attempt to revolt, aided by Athens. This angers Persians. Ionians attempt to revolt, aided by Athens. This angers Persians. War begins as an act of retaliation against the Athenians and their allies. War begins as an act of retaliation against the Athenians and their allies.
Persian Wars Events 490 BCE- Marathon- Athenians severely outnumbered, beat the Persians in hand to hand combat 490 BCE- Marathon- Athenians severely outnumbered, beat the Persians in hand to hand combat 480 BCE- Salamis- Greeks under Spartan leadership (King Leonidas). Greeks used Thermopylae to delay Persians and prepare for a naval attack. 480 BCE- Salamis- Greeks under Spartan leadership (King Leonidas). Greeks used Thermopylae to delay Persians and prepare for a naval attack. 31 city-states allied (Hellenic League)31 city-states allied (Hellenic League) Persians victorious at Thermopylae, and burn an abandoned AthensPersians victorious at Thermopylae, and burn an abandoned Athens Greeks win naval battle at SalamisGreeks win naval battle at Salamis 479 BCE- Greek infantry drive Persians back 479 BCE- Greek infantry drive Persians back
The Geography of Thermopylae The Geography of Thermopylae
Persian Wars Reasons for Greek victory City-states act as allies City-states act as allies Superior weapons Superior weapons Resourceful use of topography/geography Resourceful use of topography/geography Commitment to the ideal of political freedom Commitment to the ideal of political freedom Does this remind you of anything from United States history?
Pericles "I claim that our city is an education to all Greece."
Pericles Athens’ leading politician of the Golden Age (450’s BCE) Began rebuilding Athens after Persian War Unofficial leader of the Delian League Started in 470’s BCE Started in 470’s BCE Had a common treasury Had a common treasury Sparta does not join Sparta does not join Emergence of Athenian “empire”
Peloponnesian War Causes: Growing influence of Athens caused an anti- Athens alliance to form Growing influence of Athens caused an anti- Athens alliance to form Persian threat still strong. Sparta makes a deal with Persia for $ to increase naval strength Persian threat still strong. Sparta makes a deal with Persia for $ to increase naval strength
Military Forces of Athens and Sparta in 431 BCE
Peloponnesian War BCE Allies of Athens vs. Allies of Sparta (Delian League) (Peloponnesian League) Plague in Athens BCE Athenian use bold/risky tactics Spartans devastate Athens’ agricultural base Spartans dominate Athens at sea and Athens forced to surrender
Decline of Ancient Greece Athens’ emergence as a dominant city-state spurred conflict with Sparta Plague in Athens Athens defeated by Sparta Spartans install an undemocratic government in Athens Economy devastated from Pelop. War Macedonians threaten a weakened Greece in 350’s BCE