The Persian War – Athens & Sparta vs. Persia CAUSES Darius demands tribute and attacks Ionia. Athens sends help to defend fellow Greek city-state. Darius sends huge army to battle Athens.
The Persian War – Athens & Sparta vs. Persia EFFECTS Greeks win battles at Marathon – Pheidippides. Themistocles urges Greeks to build up fleets. Xerxes, son of Darius renews attacks on Athens. Sparta assists Athens. Victories at Thermopylae and naval victory at Salamis. Increased Greek unity. Athens emerges as the most powerful city-state and enters its Golden Age under Pericles.
The Peloponnesian War – Athens vs. Sparta CAUSES Delian League (Democracy) is formed and treasury is located in Athens. Sparta forms Peloponnesian League (Oligarchy). War breaks out between the two leagues.
The Peloponnesian War – Athens vs. Sparta EFFECTS Athens has a serious geographic disadvantage. People moved within city walls - Plague breaks out. Sparta allies itself with Persia. Sparta captures Athens. Democracy suffered and Athenian greatness came to an end.