SFIREG EQI APRIL 14, 2015 State Surface Water Issues 2015 Kean S. Goh Surface Water Protection Program Department of Pesticide Regulation CalEPA
1.POINTS List 2.Monitoring prioritization watershed scale model 3.Registration Evaluation Model: Urban, Ag, Estuarine, Transformation Products 4.Urban: Fipronil, POTW, Dog-wash study
1.POINTS Pesticide of Interest: Pesticide of Concern: 73 3.Under active management: 32 4.Demonstrate Progress: Monitoring Prioritization Model Yuzhou Luo and Xin Deng. Methodology for Prioritizing Pesticides for Surface Water Monitoring in Agricultural and Urban Areas III: Watershed- Based Prioritization. March 19, Registration Evaluation Models Methodology for Evaluating Pesticides for Surface Water Protection. I: Initial Screening, PDFI: Initial Screening, PDF (342 kb). Yuzhou Luo and Xin Deng. January 26, 2012 II: Refined Modeling, PDFII: Refined Modeling, PDF (266 kb). Yuzhou Luo and Xin Deng. January 26, 2012 III: Module for Urban Scenarios, PDFIII: Module for Urban Scenarios, PDF (593 kb). Yuzhou Luo. February 28, Methodology for Screening Pesticide Products with High Exposure Potentials to Marine/Estuarine Organisms, PDF (409 kb). Yina Xie and Yuzhou Luo. March 9, Urban Pesticide Issues: Fipronil, POTW Store surveys Universal Chemical Scan Dog Wash Study Study 296, PDF (132 kb) Teerlink, J The Washoff Potential of Fipronil from DogsStudy 296, PDF Treated with Fipronil Pet-Care Products.
Salinas River, Drainage Area = km2 Pesticide Use score Tox score Final score Monitoring inclusion Malathion Yes Permethrin Yes Chlorpyrifos Yes Methomyl Yes Diazinon Yes Paraquat dichloride Pending 5 Mancozeb No 2 λ-cyhalothrin Yes Naled No 3 Maneb No 2 Oxyfluorfen Yes Bensulide Yes Captan No 2 Cyprodinil No 4 Imidacloprid Yes Oxydemeton-methyl Pending 5
Priority model pesticides based on urban usage in Los Angeles and Orange County, California ( ). Active Ingredient Use (lbs) Use score OPP Benchmark Tox score Final score Permethrin Bifenthrin Fipronil Cyfluthrin Beta-cyfluthrin Lambda-cyhalothrin Chlorothalonil Cypermethrin Deltamethrin Diuron Copper Chlorfenapyr Pendimethalin Malathion Diquat dibromide Mancozeb Imidacloprid Triclopyr Iprodione Prodiamine Bromacil