IndOOS—a sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate research Howard Cattle for Gary Meyers Co-Chair CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean Panel.


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Presentation transcript:

IndOOS—a sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate research Howard Cattle for Gary Meyers Co-Chair CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean Panel (IOP) With Contributions from IOP Members

IndOOS Planning and Coordination Indian Ocean Panel established in 2004 through CLIVAR AAMP after OceanObs(1999), SOCIO Workshop (2000) and IOGOOS conference (2002) Four meetings: 2004 Puna IITM (Joint with AAMP) 2005 Hobart CSIRO Marine 2006 Honolulu IPRC 2007 Pretoria SAWS Meeting reports on CLIVAR website ( under Indian Ocean Panel

IOP IndOOS Plan 2006 “The role of the Indian Ocean in the climate system—implementation plan for sustained observations” Scientific rationale and technical design --Research issues: review, questions --Basin scale mooring array --Integrated approach to moorings, Argo floats, XBT lines, surface drifters, tide gauges --Alternative observational strategies assessed by observing system simulations Input to operational prediction, both seasonal prediction and NWP

Key science issues the system is aimed as addressing Seasonal monsoon variability— the oceans role Intraseasonal variability (e.g. MJO)—interactions and feedbacks with upper ocean Monsoon  ENSO interactions Indian Ocean Dipole (ENSO-like phenomenon) Decadal variability and warming trends since the 1970s Indonesian throughflow General ocean circulation, ocean heat & freshwater transports and their variability Indian Ocean Dipole

IndOOS plan: Multi-platform system around a basin-scale mooring array Carbon/hydro cruise High density XBT Frequently repeated XBT Enhanced XBT lines to monitor Indonesian Throughflow, inflow to western boundary, Java upwelling and 10°S thermocline ridge Key new element— mooring array: ocean obs + meteorology Argo floats 3°x 3° Drifters 5°x 5° ~20 real-time tide gauges Regional mooring arrays

Strategy for Moored Buoy Array  Basin scale, tropical upper ocean (500 m) focus.  Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Eq. Waveguide, Thermocline ridge (5°-10°S), subtropical subduction, Java upwelling.  Does not sample western boundary currents, ITF, coastal zones.  Design supported by numerical model observing system studies. Designed by the CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean Panel

Present status basin scale array Recent addition1-6 years Recent: China France NOAA

Argo Present Status ~360/390 north of 30°S The challenge = sustainability

Integrated IndOOS XBT lines—all active (a few not up to recommended sampling frequency) Data Portal—INCOIS/APDRC (distributed archive) Process studies—CIRENE and MISMO IOGOOS—links to coastal applications Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and Ecological Research (SIBER)—links to enhance biogeochemical and biological oceanography

Conclusion Remarkable progress in establishing sustained observations in the Indian Ocean since IOP activities will provide data and IO/monsoon science focus activities for AMY Remaining challenges for IndOOS Design and enhance coverage of the subtropical region Full implementation of the IOP plan Engage high governmental levels and departments that can sustain the OS Vandalism

Thank you

IndOOS: strategy for next 1-2 years XBT IX8 reactivated, monthly. IX1 enhanced to weekly. IX1&IX12 has a 6 month gap in 2006/7, now restored. Other lines ok.

Indian Ocean Moored Buoy Data Assembly Center (DAC)  Modeled after TAO/ TRITON and PIRATA data processing and dissemination systems.  PMEL and JAMSTEC initial contributors.  Hosted at PMEL; potential for mirror sites outside the US.

Integrated IndOOS XBT lines—all active (a few not up to recommended sampling frequency) Data Portal—INCOIS/APDRC (distributed archive) Process studies—CIRENE and MISMO IOGOOS—links to coastal applications SIBER—links to enhance biogeochemical and biological oceanography