Sea Surface Salinity under rain cells: SMOS satellite and in-situ drifters observations J. Boutin 1, N. Martin 1, G. Reverdin 1,S. Morisset 1, X. Yin 1, L. Centurioni 2 and N. Reul 3 1 LOCEAN, Sorbone Universités, UPMC/CNRS/IRD/MNHN, Paris, France 2 SIO, La Jolla, CA, USA 3 IFREMER, Toulon, France Boutin et al., 2014
The impact of rain on SMOS SSS? SMOS SSS lower than ARGO optimal Interpolated SSS maps in rainy regions (e.g. ITCZ, SPCZ..) : what part of this difference explainable by rain stratification/intermittency?
SMOS – ARGO SSS in tropical Pacific 0.1 fresher and more variable than in subtrop Atlantic; if SMOS rainy measurements are removed, std_diff in ITCZ and SPURS becomes the same => rain effect in ITCZ Ascending + Descending orbits Mean(std) SMOS-ARGO SSS (0.46) 45°S-45°N (0.25) Subtrop. Atlantic (0.30) N.E. Trop. Pacific SMOS - ARGO (Jul-Sep 2010) SMOS SSS averaged within +/-50km & +/- 5days around ARGO SSS Sargo Ssmos Boutin et al., Ocean Science, 2013
Salinity Well Mixed Salinity Depth Stratified with Rain Depth Salinity Depth Stratified with Evaporation Near-Surface Salinity Schematic Diagram for L-band Radiometer Rain-induced fresh layer Evaporation- induced salty layer Satellite L-band radiometric salinity at depth range from 1 to 10 cm Salinity measured by in situ sensors/platforms at depth below 1 m Schematic Diagram made by the SISS working group
Boutin et al., EGU 2012 Vertical gradients 15cm & 45 cm depth as seen by surface drifters 17 events SVP-BS / Surplas Vertical gradients 15cm & 45 cm depth as seen by surface drifters 17 events SVP-BS / Surplas SURPLAS tied to a SVP-BS drifter (CAROLS2010 cruise, Gulf of Biscay) Reverdin et al. JGR 2012 SVP Surplas French and Spanish SSS drifters Freshening event +4h
Question How reliable is the rain induced SSS variability measured by SMOS? Can we confidently use satellite SSS for studying the influence of rain on sea surface (~1cm) salinity? SMOS SSS (color) & SSM/I rain rate (isolines) Train-Tsmos =0.5h Boutin et al. JGR 2014
Boutin et al., 2013 SATELLITE SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) SSS ESA v5 reprocessing (available since 2010) SSS at 1cm depth ; ~43km resolution ( ~0.6) or monthly 100km averaged (CATDS- CEC/LOCEAN_v2013 product available at ; moderate wind speed (3-12m s -1 ) Rain Rate: -RemSS: ; SSM/I; AMSRE; TMI; WindSat: 0.25° resolution within [-30mn;+15mn] from SMOS -TRMM 3B42 rain rates (within [-2hr;+1hr] from ARGO to identify‘ARGO rainfree’) IN SITU SSS ARGO INDIVIDUAL PROFILES ‘SSS’ between 10m and 4m depth; Colocation with SMOS within +/-5days, +/-50km CORIOLIS GDAAC: ARGO + TSG OPTIMAL INTERPOLATED SSS MAPS (ISAS) Monthly maps from In-Situ Analysis System v6 SEA SURFACE AUTONOMOUS DRIFTER SSS Upper S at 45cm depth; Pacific Gyre drifter Data & Methods
Rain effect -The closest rainy ARGO-SMOS colocation case 2 ARGO AMSRE 11 Aug. 20:55 ~ARGO profile ISAS Boutin et al, 2013, Ocean Science Rain Rate (mm/hr) 0 2
2 ARGO AMSRE 11 Aug. 20:55 ~ARGO profile SSMIs F17 11 Aug. 13:40 ~SMOS 1st pass ISAS Boutin et al, 2013, Ocean Science Rain Rate (mm/hr) 0 Effect of rain on ARGO & SMOS (The closest colocated case) Norain
10 days after... 0 ARGO ISAS Rain Rate (mm/hr) 2 02 AMSRE 22 Aug. 9:40 ~ARGO profile SSMI F15 24 Aug. 13:12 ~SMOS 2nd pass ARGO Norain
The impact of rain on SMOS SSS SMOS SSS - ARGO_rainfree[-2hr;+1hr] SSS SMOS SSS- ARGO SSS versus satellite RR Tropical Pacific 5N-15N (July-Sept 2010) pss/ mm/hr r = -0.5 Boutin et al, JGR, 2014 In SW Pac : pss/mm/hr r = -0.5
The impact of rain on SMOS SSS ~-0.2pss/mm/hr : Roughness, Atmosphere or Salinity effect? SMOS SSS retrieved with 5m/s error on prior wind speed (instead of 2m/s error) More on SMOS retrieved wind speed: Yin et al. RSE 2013 => Roughness contribution is at the limit of detection by SMOS ~ -0.01pss/mm/hr Atmospheric contribution Rayleigh approximation (e.g., Peichl et al., 2004; Wentz, 2005) ~ pss/mm/hr => Fresher 1cm SSS linked to rain: at least pss/mm/hr pss/ mm/hr Limit of significance Error on a priori WS=5m/s Error on a priori WS=2m/s Boutin et al, JGR, 2014 Aquarius (atm-rouhness corrected )=> Meissner
The impact of rain on SMOS SSS SMOS SSS spatial variations SMOS SSS (color) & SSM/I rain rate (isolines) Train-Tsmos =0.5h Rainy SSS – ‘Rain-free’ SSS ~ RR ‘Rain-free’ SSS: average of SSS colocated with RR=0 in a radius of 150km around rainy pixels Slope=-0.19pss/mm/hr r=-0.66 Rainy – ‘rain-free’ SSS Rain Rate (mm/hr) 26 August 2012 Similar dependency as in SMOS-ARGO comparisons: After roughness & atmospheric effect correction => SSSrain – SSSrain_free : at least pss/mm/hr How does this compare with S 45cm drifters observations?
Trajectories of drifters deployed and validated since 2010 Identification of 470 ‘freshening’ (>0.4 signature) events Colocations with 6 satellites (WindSat, TMI, SSMIs, AMSRE), at +/-15mn => 25 matchups The impact of rain on in situ SSS at 45cm depth Thanks to LEGOS, LPO, ICM and SPURS-US colleagues for drifters deployments
Example of SSS decrease observed by drifter and colocated with RR within 15mn SSM/I F16 RR 21: The impact of rain on in situ SSS at 45cm depth SSS decrease between local maximum and SSS minimum
SSS decrease observed by drifter and colocated with RR within 15mn: a complicated case SSM/I F17 RR 19: Sref Smin SSM/I F16 RR 19:36 19:30 SSS decrease between local maximum and SSS minimum Large variability of RR within 12mn and in most cases only one satellite RR pass => in order to smooth the RR variability, we take RR averaged over 9 pixels around the drifter The impact of rain on in situ SSS at 45cm depth
Wind Speed >15m/s Wind Speed < 3m/s RR averaged over ~75km (mm/hr) The impact of rain on drifter SSS at 45cm depth Local S 45cm decrease Moderate wind speed (3-12m/s) SSSmin-SSSref= (+/-0.14) RR r=-0.6 N=21 O Subtropics Tropics
Summary Validating satellite SSS under rain cell is a big issue : difficult to colocate in situ & satellite measurements (S, RR, U...) at relevant time/space scales At moderate wind speed (~7m/s), decrease of SSS associated with microwave rain rates estimated to be: AQUARIUS (150km resolution, S 1cm ), ~0.12pss/mm/hr (Meissner et al. 2014) SMOS (40km resolution, S 1cm ), > ~0.14 pss/mm/hr (This work) Drifters (ponctual, S 45cm ), ~0.21 pss/mm/hr (This work) => the rain impact seems to decrease when increasing the pixel size – qualitatively expected from a spatially heterogeneous process like rain (NB: not only stratification matters - drifters S are deeper than satellite S!) - Is it quantitatively reasonnable? SPURS 2 experiment should help constraining the S vertical and horizontal variability and the RR horizontal variability within a satellite pixel N.B.: the monthly difference SMOS-ISAS SSS cannot be fully explained applying a -0.2pss/mm/hr correction on monthly SMOS SSS (locally <0.2 correction) explains less than 40% of the observed SMOS-ISAS SSS : ISAS smoothing/relaxation to climatology, SMOS artefacts (RFIs, islands...)....