Kevin O’Brien University of Washington/JISAO NOAA/PMEL The Observing System Monitoring Center Steve Hankin, PMEL Ted Habermann, NGDC David Neufeld, NGDC Kevin Kern, NDBC Michelle Little, NDBC
OSMC background Database of data and metadata (“realtime”) GTS -- primary source Data begins in June, million observations from 40K platforms Console to provide monitoring of sensors and platforms scientific adequacy of observations
OSMC Main console
All measurements for two days
Drifter measurements for May
May drifters with tails
Salinity measurements, by country
Tropical buoys measuring SST
Tropical buoys colored by SST value
Tropical buoys colored by SST anomaly
Reynolds SST bias underlay
GTS OSMC Monitoring
Integrated access to real-time Ocean data Integrated access across Data Assembly Centers
Software as a Service ISO Cloud Services Hyrax Big Data ERDDAP Data Federation OPeNDAP Service Oriented Architecture THREDDS OGC
Situation: A scientist that is developing an ocean model Would like to compare model with in situ observations for evaluation First up: Drifter data
Situation: A scientist that is developing an ocean model Would like to compare model with other models AND in situ observations to help validate First up: Drifter data Next up: Argo data First up: Drifter data
Limited data discovery/exploration notification required Access via ftp only Varying file formats – ARGO-specific netcdf – ASCII files Interoperability Barriers
Situation: A scientist that is developing an ocean model Would like to compare model with other models AND in situ observations to help validate Next up: Argo data First up: Drifter data Next up: Argo data Finally: GHRSST data
What is integrated data and metadata? – Discoverable Requires quality metadata – Accessible Through multiple services (OPeNDAP, WMS, etc) Without downloading For in situ data abitlity to access “collections” of observations, not just individual profiles, cruise tracks, etc – Understandable Conforms to standards and conventions Application agnostic For both humans AND machines
FY12 – provide access to: – OSMC database realtime stream – OceanSITES mooring data from NDBC – SOT-XBT data via the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) FY13 and beyond – Published SOCAT surface CO2 data collection – UH Sea level Center – Tropical mooring data from PMEL and NBDC – Delayed mode Argo profile data from US ARGO GDAC – SAMOS cruise observations – Surface drifter data – Emerging platforms (wave gliders, pinnipeds, etc) OSMC Plans
Thank you!