MedCluster Hungary 1 Biotech and Healthcare Innovation Cluster
11 th April 2014MedCluster Hungary 2 Innovation & Networking Establishment - March founders Board with 3 members Management – Mid-Pannon RD Co. Industrial orientation: Biotech and Healthcare driven by Innovation Private and public sector partners at local, national and transnational level Strategic alliance of the bussinness sector, RDI actors and development companies MedCluster Hungary
3 ACTIVITIES Cooperation ▪Formal co-operation ▪Joint activities ▪MatchMaking Planning ▪ Continuous update of the cluster’s vision and strategy Project-generation ▪ The „Project pipeline” concept Communication, PR, Marketing ▪ Media- and non-media activities Extension ▪ Qualitative – the no. of members ▪ Quantitative – initiative – development – accreditation
11 th April 2014MedCluster Hungary 4 Co-ordination of sources Action plans Concepts Programs Call for proposals Attention rising Idea collection Evaluation Preparation Realisation Cooperation Project pipeline concept Tendering procedures Planning, programming Development
MedCluster Hungary 5 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION MedCluster Hungary Biotech and Healthcare Innovation Cluster phone: fax: address: Székesfehérvár, Zichy liget 12. II. em.