Azerbaijan Partner Universities
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Introduction Azerbaijan joined to Bologna process in Educational system is 3 cycle: Bachelor, Master and PhD
Partner Universities Baku State University Azerbaijan State Medical University Khazar University Qafqaz University Odlar Yurdu University MoE
Basic Data: Number of students Baku State University Azerbaijan State Medical University Khazar University Qafqaz University4000 Odlar Yurdu University1250
Study Programs involved in DOQUP project Each partner University filled at least one BA and one MA program. Number of involved SPs will be increased in future.
STRATEGIC IMPACT OF THE PROJECT Internationalization Strengthening and broadening cooperation with EU universities Increasing quality of SPs by compliance with European Standards and Guidelines DOQUP standards were accepted as a model for QA of SPs by partner universities Shifting from teacher-centered to student-centered approach
STRATEGIC IMPACT OF THE PROJECT Creating strong network between partner universities Compiling and publishing of glossary of terms used in the Azerbaijani language in accordance with generally accepted European standards Increasing of transparency of SPs Comparability of local SPs involved in the project